Coffee Review:咖啡評鑑的藝術/Coffee Review: The Art of Coffee Evaluation

從初次品嚐咖啡開始,你可能常聽到店家和朋友討論著Coffee Review(CR)的分數。有人甚至為了追求更高的分數,將自家咖啡送交CR審評。但你真的了解Coffee Review是什麼嗎?他們如何評分?分數高是否代表咖啡一定好喝呢?本篇將帶你深入了解CR的起源、評分機制,並引導你思考咖啡評鑑的真諦。


1997年,由美國咖啡大師Kenneth Davids和Ron Walters創立的Coffee Review,是咖啡評鑑領域的先驅。他們將類似葡萄酒的百分制評分系統引進咖啡,致力協助消費者辨識並購買品質卓越的咖啡。同時,在提升市場對高品質咖啡的需求的同時,支持那些投注更多時間、精力和成本製作高品質咖啡的農民和烘豆師,讓他們能夠獲得應有的回報。




Coffee Review的評鑑涵蓋了咖啡品飲的五大要素,分別是香氣(Aroma)、酸度(Acidity)、醇厚(Body)、風味(Flavor)、餘韻(Aftertaste)。這五項評分項目被用來判斷精品咖啡豆的優劣等級。










總的來說,CR不僅是一個咖啡評分的機構,更是推動咖啡品質提升的推手。無論分數如何,重要的是在評分的背後,能夠深入思考自己對咖啡的需求和喜好,以及如何在咖啡的世界中持續成長。若對CR有興趣,可透過他們的網址 進一步了解。讓我們一同探索咖啡評鑑的藝術,享受每一杯帶有故事的咖啡。


From the first sip of coffee, you might often hear discussions about Coffee Review (CR) scores among coffee enthusiasts, with some even submitting their own coffees for evaluation in pursuit of higher scores. But do you truly understand what Coffee Review is? How do they assign scores? Does a high score always mean the coffee is excellent? This article delves into the origins of CR, its scoring mechanism, and encourages you to contemplate the essence of coffee evaluation.


In 1997, Coffee Review was founded by American coffee maestros Kenneth Davids and Ron Walters. They introduced a percentage-based scoring system, akin to wine, into the realm of coffee. Their mission was twofold: to assist consumers in identifying and purchasing exceptionally high-quality coffee and to elevate the demand for such coffee in the market. Simultaneously, they aimed to support farmers and roasters investing substantial time, energy, and cost in producing high-quality coffee, ensuring they receive just compensation for their efforts.

Scoring Mechanism

CR employs blind tasting, where professional reviewers assess aromas, acidity, body, flavor, and aftertaste on a scale from 1 to 10. This not only aids consumers in selecting outstanding coffee beans but also provides a platform for coffee farmers and roasters to receive fair compensation for their dedicated input, fostering their commitment and passion for high-quality coffee.

COFFEE REVIEW's Five Evaluation Categories

Coffee Review evaluates five crucial aspects of coffee drinking: Aroma, Acidity, Body, Flavor, and Aftertaste. These categories are utilized to determine the quality of specialty coffee beans.

Distinctions from SCA Cupping

Unlike the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) cupping, which divides scores into ten categories, CR primarily focuses on five aspects. The differences in scoring standards contribute to CR scores being relatively higher, typically surpassing 90 points, showcasing a distinction from general scoring practices.

Reading Scores and the Advantages of Evaluation

Although CR holds prestige in the coffee world, scores aren't the sole criteria for assessing coffee quality. A high score doesn't guarantee universal preference, emphasizing the subjective nature of coffee evaluation. When choosing coffee, personal taste and preferences should still be considered.

Multifaceted Evaluation in Coffee Reviews

CR not only assesses the taste of coffee but also requires reviewers to provide information such as the coffee's price and weight. This multifaceted evaluation mechanism resembles how we assess service, presentation, ambiance, and price matching in a restaurant.

Significance of Scores and Personal Growth

For coffee roasters, CR scores serve not only as a quality check but also as affirmation and encouragement. High scores act as a driving force for progress, inspiring creativity and effort. Conversely, lower scores present an opportunity for improvement, enabling continuous growth and enhancement in each stage.


In summary, CR is more than just a coffee scoring institution; it is a catalyst for elevating coffee quality. Regardless of scores, what matters most is the introspection behind the evaluation—reflecting on personal coffee preferences and how to continue evolving in the world of coffee. If you're interested in CR, further exploration can be done through their website at Let's embark on a journey to explore the art of coffee evaluation and savor every cup with a story.

