先加冰?後加冰?品味不同的冰涼風情! "Add Ice First or Later? Savouring the Cool and Unique Flavors!"





  • 20克咖啡粉
  • 100克冰塊
  • 200克熱水




先加冰 vs. 後加冰










In the scorching days of summer, a refreshing cup of iced pour-over coffee never fails to bring a cool breeze to our senses. Within the process of making iced pour-over coffee, the debate between adding ice before or after brewing has become a hot topic among coffee enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the methods of adding ice at different stages and explore the subtle differences in flavor that these two approaches bring to the world of coffee.

Production Process

To better understand the impact of adding ice before or after brewing, we've chosen a fixed set of coffee components:

  • 20 grams of coffee grounds
  • 100 grams of ice cubes
  • 200 grams of hot water

Using a higher water temperature and finely ground coffee beans allows us to adjust the extraction rate during the iced pour-over process, providing more possibilities for flavor presentation.

Q&A: Why use a higher water temperature and finely ground coffee?

In iced pour-over, the ratio of coffee grounds to water is higher, and the extraction time is shorter, resulting in a more flavor-rich front and middle stage of extraction, with fewer flavors extracted in the later stage. By adjusting water temperature and grind size, we can better control the extraction rate, enhancing the overall richness of flavor.

Adding Ice Before vs. After

First Method: Adding Ice Before

When coffee directly contacts the ice, it rapidly cools down, locking in the flavors and presenting a clean initial taste. The acidity is relatively pronounced, with flavors concentrated, delivering a refreshing sensation upon sipping.

Second Method: Adding Ice After

After the extraction is complete, adding ice gradually leads to melting, offering a rich and layered texture. The aroma may have a slightly more pronounced acidity. The taste transitions from bold to subtle, resulting in an overall smoother profile.


Overall, the flavor differences between adding ice before or after brewing are subtle and depend on individual taste preferences. When brewing coffee at home, there's no need to strictly adhere to specific data; rather, adjust based on your personal taste preferences. Whether you prefer the refreshing feel or the layered complexity, iced pour-over coffee is a flavorful journey waiting for you to explore.

We hope this article provides inspiration for coffee enthusiasts, empowering you with confidence and enjoyment as you embark on the adventure of brewing iced pour-over coffee.

