手沖咖啡基礎原理/Basic Principles of Pour-Over Coffee




手沖製作過程包括將水注入咖啡粉,通過濾紙濾杯過濾咖啡液。沖煮者需掌控水流速、擾動、溫度和沖煮時間等因素。(這幾個因素都很重要、這可能導致萃取不足,或過度萃取的可能) 雖然手沖器具簡單,但擁有一定的萃取觀念和手法經驗可以使手沖咖啡的味道更加豐富。




1. 悶蒸:


    幫助咖啡粉排氣,增加香氣,防止後續排出的二氧化碳阻礙萃取。     充分浸潤咖啡粉,打開粉與水之間的通道,促進均勻溶解。

2. 萃取:


3. 調節:

調節是整個手沖咖啡過程的最後一步,主要關鍵是調整咖啡的濃度,獲得符合個人口感的咖啡。一般手沖濃度佔比約1.15%~1.35%。調節方式包括粉水比設定和兌水(BY PASS)。



  • 較長萃取時間:適合較粗研磨,口感清爽酸甜。
  • 中等萃取時間:適合中等研磨,口感平衡甜感。
  • 較短萃取時間:適合較細研磨,口感濃純微苦。


  • 壓力法:義式咖啡機、愛樂壓或摩卡壺。
  • 浸泡法:法式濾壓壺、聰明濾杯。
  • 真空過濾法:虹吸壺。
  • 滴濾法:手沖咖啡、美式咖啡機、冰滴咖啡。
  • 煎煮法:土耳其咖啡壺。



 Principles and Features of Pour-Over Coffee:

At the core of coffee brewing lies the effective and uniform dissolution of coffee grounds. Considering the composition of coffee beans, 70% consists of insoluble fibers and carbohydrates, while 30% comprises soluble substances.

According to SCA standards, excellent flavor extraction typically falls within the range of 18% to 22%. The pour-over process involves introducing water into coffee grounds and filtering the coffee liquid through a paper filter. Brewers must control factors such as water flow, agitation, temperature, and brewing time, as these play crucial roles in achieving optimal extraction.

Though pour-over equipment is simple, a solid understanding of extraction concepts and hands-on experience enriches the flavor profile of pour-over coffee. The regulation of extraction rates directly impacts the proportions of coffee aroma, acidity, and bitterness. Low extraction rates emphasize acidity, while high rates highlight bitterness. Skillful control can achieve a balanced blend of acidity, sweetness, and aromatic richness.

Additionally, concentration control is a key factor affecting the viscosity and smoothness of coffee. Higher concentrations result in a thicker, potentially overpowering taste, while lower concentrations allow for a lighter experience that captures subtle flavors. In summary, the outcome of pour-over brewing is influenced by both extraction rates and concentration, and mastery of these elements creates a balanced, aromatic cup of coffee.

Key Points of Pour-Over Brewing:

  1. Blooming:

    Blooming is a crucial pre-infusion step in pour-over brewing with two key purposes:

    • Assisting coffee grounds in releasing gas and enhancing aroma. Ensuring thorough saturation of coffee grounds to open channels for even dissolution.
  2. Extraction:

    Extraction is the essence of coffee brewing, requiring attention to grind size, temperature, time, and water turbulence for optimal dissolution. Achieving a perfect extraction involves smelling the aroma, evaluating the balance of acidity, sweetness, and bitterness after tasting, and adjusting parameters based on sensory feedback.

  3. Adjustment:

    Adjustment is the final step in pour-over brewing, focusing on fine-tuning the coffee's concentration to suit individual preferences. Concentration typically ranges from 1.15% to 1.35%. Adjustment methods include setting the coffee-to-water ratio and using bypass techniques.

Insights on Extraction:

Extraction time influences coffee flavor and requires selecting an appropriate grind size:     Longer extraction times suit coarser grinds, resulting in a crisp, sweet acidity.     Moderate extraction times match medium grinds, providing a balanced sweetness.     Shorter extraction times pair well with finer grinds, producing a concentrated, subtly bitter     taste.

Diverse Flavor Profiles through Different Brewing Methods:

  • Pressure Brewing: Utilizing machines like espresso or Moka pots.
  • Immersion Brewing: Employing French presses or clever drippers.
  • Vacuum Filtration: Using siphon brewers.
  • Drip Brewing: Utilizing pour-over setups, drip coffee makers, or cold brew methods.
  • Boiling Brewing: Employing Turkish coffee pots.

Through precise techniques and sensory judgment, pour-over coffee reveals a spectrum of flavors, delivering a unique and satisfying coffee experience.

