破Kopi Luwak麝香貓咖啡神話/Debunking the Kopi Luwak Civet Coffee Myth


真的很玄哦~今日要打破Kopi Luwak麝香貓咖啡神話
但說到底,我想不出一個理由吃或喝從另一個生物的後端出來的東西。 😅
撇開我的疑慮不談,一磅Kopi Luwak的價格令人震驚,世界各地的美食家一想到它,眼睛周圍就有點水潤嘴巴旁就有點口水。 這些就說不通了喔!🤔

為什麼Kopi Luwak被稱為貓屎咖啡?
當涉及到外面的咖啡品種時,kopi luwak屬於自己的類別,
麝香貓只在東南亞發現,在野外,在熱帶雨林中爬來爬去是最快樂的。 在他們的自然棲息地,他們會吃任何他們嗅到的東西。 在印度尼西亞著名的蘇門答臘和爪哇咖啡島,其中包括咖啡樹的生果。
發酵是儲存某些食物並增強其風味的最古老的天然和工業方法之一。 茶和咖啡也是發酵產品。
重點:麝香貓和機器做同樣的工作。 但由於他是一種生物,他每天只能“生產”有限的數量。
Kopi luwak實際上是一個受保護的區域名稱。
複雜的是,還有其他地區差異,如同樣來自印度尼西亞的kopi laku或來自越南的鼬咖啡。
就像香檳一樣,kopi luwak的稱號也具有一定的品質保證。 只有手工收集和加工的野生香菜排洩的咖啡豆才能打上kopi luwak的品牌。
Kopi Luwak價格
考慮到這一點,很明顯,為什麼Kopi Luwak的價格約為每磅500美元。 在這種情況下,年收成將微乎其微。 那麼,為什麼亞馬遜和其他零售商以大約30美元的價格提供據說是3.5盎司的正宗盧瓦克咖啡? 顯然,像那樣的kopi luwak價格是仿製品的大便咖啡。
咖啡就會被貼上kopi luwak的標籤。
情況變得更糟了。 “野生”這個詞早就用詞不當了。


It's really surreal—today we're going to debunk the Kopi Luwak Civet Coffee myth. But honestly, I can't think of a reason to eat or drink something that comes out of another creature's back end. 😅 I know I'm not alone in this. 🫣 But truth be told, this isn't just a marketing gimmick... there's usually a reason it's called "civet coffee". The animals eat coffee cherries, pass the beans, and people brew coffee with them. What have we come to? 🤯🤯 Putting aside my concerns, the price tag on a pound of Kopi Luwak is staggering, and foodies around the world get a bit teary-eyed and drooly just thinking about it. It's inexplicable! 🤔

Why is Kopi Luwak called "cat poop coffee"? When it comes to exotic coffee varieties, Kopi Luwak stands in a league of its own, thanks to the digestive tract of civets. I don't know about you, but when I heard this, I thought back to the time in elementary school when a classmate's pet rat ate its own feces. Lunch that day wasn't particularly appetizing. 🤨 Civets, found only in Southeast Asia, roam happily in the wild, particularly in tropical rainforests. In their natural habitats, they'll eat anything they sniff out. This includes the fruit of coffee trees, found in Indonesia's famous Sumatra and Java coffee islands. The coffee cherry passes through the civet's digestive system, where the fruit is absorbed. The seeds, the actual coffee beans, remain undigested and are excreted. As part of the digestive process, natural enzymes ferment the beans. Fermentation is one of the oldest natural and industrial methods for preserving and enhancing the flavor of certain foods. Tea and coffee are fermented products as well. In the coffee world, the fermentation process, also known as the well-known "washed" processing method, is standard. Civet coffee, similarly, requires separating the cherry from its parts, and...twisting the flavor. First off, it's about reducing acidity, but it's not done by a machine; it's done by intestines. The point: civets and machines do the same job. But since he's a living being, he can only "produce" a limited amount each day. Suddenly, fermented green coffee has an exclusive factor; it still needs further processing and roasting. Kopi Luwak is actually a protected area name. Just like Champagne can only be called Champagne when it comes from the Champagne region of France, it's the brand name for coffee from the Indonesian islands. Complicating matters further are regional differences, like kopi laku from Indonesia or weasel coffee from Vietnam. "Kopi" means coffee in Indonesian, and the second word refers to the animal involved in production. Just like Champagne, the title of Kopi Luwak also comes with a certain quality assurance. Only wild civet excreta coffee beans collected and processed by hand can bear the Kopi Luwak brand. Kopi Luwak Price Considering this, it's obvious why Kopi Luwak fetches around $500 per pound. In this case, annual yields are minuscule. So why do Amazon and other retailers offer allegedly authentic Luwak coffee for about $30 for what's claimed to be a 3.5-ounce bag? Apparently, Kopi Luwak priced like that is fecal coffee. Without guardians to protect the name, as long as some creature aids the fermentation process, coffee gets labeled as Kopi Luwak. The situation gets worse. The term "wild" has long been misused. The reality is, connoisseurs worldwide hope to enjoy a cup of civet coffee whenever they please. 😭😭

While most people don't care about its origins, Indonesia is a poor country, and its production conditions are as exploitative as other coffee-producing countries around the world. Regardless of its expensive and fecal nature, I oppose abusive rearing practices, forcing them to eat coffee fruit. What your cat eats, but poor civets can only eat fruit. every day. Yes, every cell in my body is opposed to supporting the practices that sustain civet coffee. Sorry, I can't tell you about the flavor of civet coffee! If you like our articles, remember to subscribe and share them with your friends! 🫶 Let more people enjoy the perfect combination of health and deliciousness! ❤️

