咖啡產地不僅僅是「國家名」!|Coffee Origin Is More Than Just a Country Name!

咖啡產地不僅僅是「國家名」! 咖啡產地的標示包含許多層次,這點與茶葉標示方式相似。例如,茶葉可以標示為「台灣 南投 日月潭產」,而咖啡同樣也有這種分層方式。從國家、地區到具體的莊園或農莊,標示越細緻,往往代表風味越純粹獨特。


  1. 國家名

  2. 地區名
    地區名帶出更細緻的地理特色,例如「衣索比亞 西達摩」,這些地區內的微氣候、高海拔和土壤條件影響了咖啡的酸甜度和平衡度。

  3. 小鎮或村落
    例如「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲」這些小鎮或村落內的土壤、氣候及處理方式的微妙差異會呈現出不同的風味。在同一地區內,土壤、氣候及處理方式的微妙差異會呈現出不同的風味。

  4. 莊園、合作社、小農

為什麼產地範圍越小風味越純? 產地範圍越小,風味特徵越集中。例如,同一產區的不同小農因土壤、氣候及處理技術的差異,而生產出不同風味的咖啡。更細緻的標示能幫助消費者找到穩定而獨特的風味體驗。

處理法 vs. 產地:如何看待它們的影響? 雖然不同的處理方法(如日曬、蜜處理)對風味有直接影響,但各國和各地區的風土條件仍然是風味的基礎。例如,衣索比亞的火山土壤賦予咖啡花果香,而哥倫比亞的高海拔帶來酸度和平衡感。


The origin of coffee is not just about the country name! Coffee origin labeling consists of multiple layers, much like tea labeling. For example, tea can be labeled as "Taiwan Nantou Sun Moon Lake", and coffee follows a similar structure. From country to region, and even down to specific farms or estates, the more detailed the label, the more distinct and pure the coffee’s flavor profile tends to be.

How to Read Coffee Labels?

1. Country Name

The country of origin is the first and broadest level of classification, such as "Ethiopia" or "Brazil." The climate, soil, and agricultural policies of each country contribute to the general flavor characteristics of its coffee. For example, Ethiopian coffee is known for its floral notes, while Brazilian coffee often has nutty and chocolatey flavors.

2. Regional Name

Regional labeling adds more specific geographic characteristics, such as "Ethiopia Sidamo." The microclimate, altitude, and soil conditions within these regions affect the acidity, sweetness, and balance of the coffee.

3. Town or Village Name

Some labels go even deeper, specifying towns or villages, such as "Ethiopia Yirgacheffe." Even within the same region, variations in soil, climate, and processing methods result in different flavor nuances.

4. Estate, Cooperative, or Smallholder Farmers

In specialty coffee, the coffee may come from a specific estate, cooperative, or individual smallholder farmer, which is often included on the label. Estates and cooperatives emphasize the expertise of the producers and their processing methods, offering consumers more insight into flavor consistency and quality.

Why Does a Smaller Origin Scope Mean a More Distinct Flavor?

The smaller the origin scope, the more concentrated the flavor characteristics. For example, even within the same region, different smallholder farms may produce coffees with distinct flavor profiles due to variations in soil composition, climate, and processing techniques. More detailed labeling allows consumers to find unique and consistent flavor experiences.

Processing Method vs. Origin: How Do They Affect Flavor?

While processing methods (such as natural, washed, or honey-processed) directly influence coffee flavors, the terroir (climate, soil, and altitude) of different countries and regions serves as the foundation of flavor. For example:
Ethiopia's volcanic soil enhances floral and fruity notes.
Colombia’s high-altitude regions contribute to bright acidity and balance.

Combining Production Units and Origin Labeling

In specialty coffee, estates, cooperatives, and smallholder farms can be broadly considered part of the origin, as they significantly impact the coffee’s final flavor. However, technically speaking, "origin" typically refers to a larger geographic region, while estates and cooperatives are production units within that region. Since management practices and processing techniques also play a critical role in flavor development, they are often included in coffee labeling.

