既長黑咖啡咖啡,美式咖啡又翻車啦~|Did Americano Coffee Mess Up Again? The Right Way to Enjoy Hot Americano!




美式咖啡(Americano)是義式咖啡(Espresso-based coffee)的一種,由義式濃縮(Espresso)加上熱水或冰水調製而成。在臺灣,美式咖啡幾乎成為日常飲品,但你真的喝對了嗎?今天就來聊聊熱美式的製作方式與理想飲用溫度。



  1. 義式濃縮的萃取

    • 義式咖啡機一般設定約 9-10 氣壓 萃取濃縮咖啡。
    • 水溫通常設定在 92°C 左右,實際萃取後的溫度約 90°C
  2. 熱水的調配

    • 熱水溫度約 80-85°C,避免過高導致口感過於刺激。
    • 採用較溫和的熱水沖淡濃縮,不影響風味。
  3. 水與濃縮的比例

    • 經典美式比例約為 1:2 至 1:5(濃縮:水)。
    • 比例會影響咖啡濃度,1:2 偏濃,1:5 偏淡,依個人口味調整。



  • 剛沖好時:90°C 以上

    • 此時口感最強烈,可能過燙,建議先聞香氣再慢慢啜飲。
  • 最佳品飲溫度:65-75°C

    • 此時風味最均衡,酸甜感、醇厚度與回甘都能充分展現。
  • 過低溫度:50°C 以下

    • 咖啡容易氧化,風味變淡甚至產生雜味。



那麼,英國呢?不少英國咖啡店會將咖啡的供應溫度控制在約 60-70°C 左右,這樣既能保留咖啡的風味,又能降低燙傷風險。

無論是美式咖啡還是其他熱飲,品飲時都應該留意溫度,避免一次大口吞嚥。如果擔心燙口,可以選擇 適度降溫後再啜飲,這樣更能細細品味咖啡的層次感。這樣的設計是否更貼心呢?



Remember the Previous Debate?

Americano coffee—should you add espresso first or water first? This topic once sparked heated discussions.
Now, in Taiwan's 2025 Lunar New Year, hot Americano is once again in the spotlight!


Americano coffee is a type of espresso-based coffee, made by adding hot or cold water to an espresso shot. In Taiwan, Americano has become an everyday drink—but are you drinking it the right way? Today, let's talk about how hot Americano is made and its ideal drinking temperature.

How to Properly Make an Americano

Many people think Americano is simply "espresso plus water," but in reality, the temperature and ratio of water significantly impact the flavor and mouthfeel. Here's the proper way to make it:

1. Espresso Extraction

✔ Espresso is typically extracted at 9-10 bars of pressure using an espresso machine.
✔ The water temperature is usually set at around 92°C, with the actual extracted espresso at about 90°C.

2. Hot Water Addition

✔ Hot water should be around 80-85°C to avoid making the coffee too harsh.
✔ Using a gentler hot water temperature dilutes the espresso without overpowering its flavor.

3. Espresso-to-Water Ratio

✔ The classic Americano ratio is between 1:2 and 1:5 (espresso to water).
✔ The ratio affects the coffee strength—1:2 is stronger, while 1:5 is lighter. Adjust to your personal taste.

The Ideal Drinking Temperature for Hot Americano

Some people find Americano too hot to drink immediately and prefer letting it cool down, but both too hot and too cold temperatures can impact its flavor:

Freshly brewed (above 90°C): Strongest and most intense, but too hot to drink directly. Best to inhale the aroma first before sipping.
Best drinking temperature (65-75°C): The sweetness, acidity, and body are most balanced, giving the best overall taste experience.
Too low (below 50°C): The coffee oxidizes faster, losing its original flavors and sometimes developing unpleasant notes.

The Infamous "Scalding Hot Americano" Case

One of the most well-known coffee lawsuits occurred in the United States, when an elderly woman spilled hot coffee from McDonald's and suffered severe burns, leading to a high compensation ruling. This case sparked discussions about hot beverage safety and prompted many brands to reconsider their serving temperature standards.

What about the UK? Many British coffee shops serve coffee at around 60-70°C, a temperature that maintains great flavor while reducing burn risks.

Whether it's an Americano or any hot drink, be mindful of the temperature before drinking. Avoid gulping it down in one go—if you're worried about burns, let it cool slightly and sip slowly. This way, you can better appreciate the complex flavors in each cup!

Conclusion: Are You Drinking Hot Americano the Right Way?

A well-made Americano isn’t just "espresso plus water"—it involves water temperature, ratio, and proper drinking techniques. Hopefully, this article helps you understand the right way to enjoy a hot Americano. Next time, try adjusting the temperature to find the perfect balance of flavors for your taste! ☕🔥

