多義摩卡咖啡探源 Mocha: The Multifaceted Origins of a Term in Coffee



摩卡,起源於遙遠的葉門。葉門被視為咖啡的發源地之一,然而其種植咖啡的確切時間歷史學家無法確定。相較之下,衣索匹亞被廣泛認為是咖啡的故鄉。早期,從摩卡港(古稱Al Mukha)出口的咖啡豆統稱為摩卡咖啡,因為以此港口命名。然而,隨著葉門政局不穩,內戰的肆虐,農業補貼減少,農民轉向種植更具利潤的阿拉伯茶,使得摩卡咖啡漸漸式微。水源短缺,品質不一,再加上缺乏有效的生產管理及產銷機制,導致摩卡咖啡在咖啡產區中逐漸式微,為其他產區取而代之。










The term "Mocha" holds diverse meanings in different contexts and cultures.

The Original Meaning of the First Type of Mocha:

Mocha finds its roots in the distant land of Yemen. Yemen is considered one of the birthplaces of coffee, although historians are unable to pinpoint the exact time of coffee cultivation. Ethiopia, in contrast, is widely recognized as the homeland of coffee. In the early days, coffee beans exported from the port of Mocha (formerly known as Al Mukha) were collectively referred to as Mocha coffee, named after this port. However, due to unstable political conditions and the ravages of civil war, agricultural subsidies dwindled, prompting farmers to turn to more profitable crops like Arabian tea. This led to the gradual decline of Mocha coffee. Scarce water resources, inconsistent quality, and a lack of effective production management and marketing further contributed to its waning popularity, eventually replaced by other coffee-producing regions.

However, in recent years, in 2020, Yemen's specialty coffee operators and exporters made an exhilarating announcement. After years of painstaking research and tracing back to the roots, they discovered a brand-new coffee variety in Yemen, known as Yemenia. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in the coffee saga!

The Second Common Type of Mocha:

Mocha beverage refers to a drink or coffee infused with chocolate flavor or syrup. Its distinctive feature lies in the fusion of espresso and chocolate, creating a rich chocolate-coffee flavor. Alternatively, it may be chocolate combined with milk, known as Mocha. This flavor profile may have initially been introduced by coffee chains like Starbucks, but it has now become widely popular and serves as a relatively universal language. When you visit a coffee shop and order a Mocha, you'll typically receive a cup of espresso-infused milk with a melded chocolate taste.

So, if you're keen on savoring Yemeni Mocha coffee, remember to inform the barista that you're seeking Yemeni Mocha, as not all coffee shops offer this precious variety.

The Third Type: Recent Common Mocha Coffee Bean Variety:

Mocha beans, a variation of Bourbon coffee, originally hail from countries such as Ethiopia or Yemen. These beans are naturally small and round, with a slightly circular cross-section. Subsequently, research in Hawaii led to the development of tall, small Mocha plants through interbreeding with Typica to adapt to the soil and conditions of Maui Island. Despite this, the bean's petite and adorable nature remained intact.

Today, one of the more prevalent varieties is Ethiopian Magi Mocha coffee, known for its distinct flavor characteristics.

In summary, the term "Mocha" encapsulates a rich history and cultural significance in the world of coffee. Whether it stems from the distant lands of Yemen, the chocolate-flavored Mocha beverages, or the uniquely flavored Mocha beans, it invites us to savor a diverse array of tastes in the realm of coffee.

