解密咖啡的兩大隱形力量:攪拌和浸泡背後的科學秘密/Unveiling the Hidden Forces of Coffee: The Science Behind Stirring and Soaking






During the process of brewing coffee, two important physical phenomena silently play crucial roles: agitation and diffusion. The synergy between these two ensures that we can enjoy a cup of coffee with rich and balanced flavors.

Diffusion is especially evident during the pre-infusion and soaking phases. When you brew coffee, the first step is often pre-infusion. Imagine pouring a small amount of water over the coffee grounds and letting it sit for a while, similar to adding sugar to water without stirring. During this process, water slowly permeates the coffee grounds and begins to dissolve the flavor compounds. This is the effect of diffusion—flavor compounds gradually move from inside the coffee grounds to the water, driven by the concentration gradient. In brewing methods like the Clever Dripper, diffusion continues to play a key role, allowing the coffee’s flavors to be released steadily and evenly over time, ensuring each sip is balanced without over-extraction.

On the other hand, agitation is a dynamic process that enhances extraction by stirring or pouring water. For example, in pour-over brewing, you might use a circular pouring technique to create agitation, ensuring that water evenly contacts all the coffee grounds. This is akin to stirring sugar in water, where stirring quickly dissolves and distributes the sugar. Similarly, agitation accelerates the dissolution of the coffee grounds, preventing certain areas from being over or under-extracted. In methods like the French press or Clever Dripper, gentle stirring is also a form of agitation, helping the coffee grounds release flavors more efficiently and ensuring that dissolved compounds are evenly distributed in the liquid.

These two physical phenomena are inseparable. Agitation accelerates dissolution and extraction, quickly drawing out the essence of the coffee, while diffusion ensures a consistent and balanced flavor throughout the process. Their collaboration results in a cup of coffee with rich layers and lasting aftertaste, bringing us an unparalleled tasting experience every day. 

