💧 日本CAFEC最新濾紙:探索不同焙度咖啡的沖煮之道 ☕/💧 Japan's CAFEC Latest Coffee Filters: Explore the Brewing Techniques for Different Roast Levels ☕



☀️ 淺焙濾紙: 內側無皺褶設計,能夠凸顯出咖啡豆中的果香與清爽的酸味,讓每一口都充滿乾淨純粹的感受。外側的皺褶則讓咖啡液順暢通過,帶出更多香氣。

🍂 中焙濾紙: 兩面均衡的高低差皺褶設計,提供快速且平穩的萃取效果,讓咖啡豆達到完美的香味平衡。90℃的熱水沖煮,更能讓咖啡的豐富味道展現無遺。

🌑 深焙濾紙: 採用低皺褶設計,前半段平穩萃取,後半段稍作停頓,帶出濃厚的咖啡本體味道與甜度。搭配83℃的熱水沖煮,將深焙咖啡的風味表現得淋漓盡致。


🌟 立即體驗CAFEC濾紙的魔力,為您的咖啡時光增添更多樂趣與變化! 🌟

In today's fast-paced world, coffee lovers seek not only the ultimate flavor but also convenience and efficiency. The charm of pour-over coffee lies in the ability to adjust the grind size, which in turn influences the flow rate and extraction of flavors.

CAFEC's innovative filter series uses a unique design with different creases on the inner and outer layers, which similarly alters the flow rate—much like adjusting the grind size. These filters ensure that every cup of coffee can reveal its true flavor profile, bringing more variety and possibilities to your brewing process.

☀️ Light Roast Filter: The smooth inner layer highlights the fruity notes and crisp acidity of light-roast beans, offering a clean and pure taste. The creased outer layer allows the coffee to flow smoothly, enhancing the aroma.

🍂 Medium-Dark Roast Filter: Balanced creases on both sides provide a fast and steady extraction, achieving a perfect flavor balance. Brewing at 90°C brings out the rich and complex flavors of medium-dark roast coffee.

🌑 Dark Roast Filter: With lower creases, this filter provides a stable flow in the beginning and slows down towards the end, drawing out the rich body and sweetness of dark-roast coffee. Brewing at 83°C fully reveals the deep flavors.

CAFEC filters not only simplify the pour-over process but also offer a more consistent and stable brewing experience for coffee lovers of all levels. Whether it's the crisp fruitiness of a light roast, the balanced richness of a medium-dark roast, or the deep sweetness of a dark roast, these filters help you easily unlock the full potential of your coffee.

🌟 Experience the magic of CAFEC filters today and add more joy and variety to your coffee moments! 🌟

