咖啡因的秘密:焙度與沖煮方式的影響/Caffeine Unveiled: The Impact of Roast and Brew








When discussing caffeine content, roast level and brewing method are key factors that influence the outcome. Firstly, caffeine is a relatively stable compound that does not easily break down or vaporize during roasting. With a melting point between 235°C and 238°C, caffeine remains largely unaffected during roasting at temperatures below 235°C.

As the roast level deepens, coffee beans lose mass primarily due to the evaporation of water and other volatile compounds. While the caffeine content per bean remains largely unchanged, the same weight of dark-roasted beans contains more individual beans, and thus slightly more caffeine, compared to lighter roasts.

When comparing caffeine extraction between light and dark roasts under identical brewing conditions, some differences emerge. Excluding variables such as water temperature, agitation, and stirring, light-roasted beans, similar to rock sugar, retain more of their original structure and dissolve more slowly, leading to slightly slower caffeine extraction. In contrast, dark-roasted beans, akin to granulated sugar, have a more fragile structure due to the roasting process, making them easier and quicker to dissolve in water. Therefore, under the same brewing conditions, dark roasts may have a higher caffeine extraction efficiency, primarily due to structural changes rather than differences in the inherent caffeine content.

Conclusion: The roasting process has minimal impact on the stability of caffeine, and at roasting temperatures below 235°C, caffeine does not easily break down or vaporize. As roasting intensifies, coffee beans lose mass, resulting in slightly higher caffeine content by weight in dark-roasted beans. During brewing, the altered structure of dark-roasted beans allows for easier caffeine release. If comparing the same brewing method, dark roasts may extract caffeine more efficiently due to their more fragile structure, although this does not imply that dark-roasted beans inherently contain more caffeine. Overall, roast level, brewing method, and grind size all affect caffeine extraction efficiency and the final concentration, but these variables generally do not significantly alter the total caffeine content.

Additional Note: If we compare by weight alone, dark-roasted coffee does indeed contain slightly more caffeine, as the beans lose moisture and mass during roasting, leaving a higher concentration of caffeine per gram. Therefore, it can be concluded that dark-roasted coffee tends to have a higher caffeine content by weight.

Regarding brewing conditions, if we delve further into the process, the key difference lies in the structural changes in dark-roasted beans. The roasting process makes the cell walls of dark-roasted beans more fragile, allowing water to penetrate more easily and dissolve caffeine. Consequently, under the same brewing conditions, dark-roasted coffee releases caffeine more rapidly, potentially leading to a higher concentration of caffeine in the final cup.

