Crema:濃縮咖啡中神秘的泡沫藝術 | Crema: The Beauty on the Surface of Espresso
















Crema, the golden-brown foam on top of espresso, is formed when carbon dioxide, released during the coffee roasting process, is extracted under high pressure. As pressurized water passes through the coffee grounds, it dissolves large amounts of CO2, which then escapes as tiny bubbles when the brew enters the cup, creating the distinctive crema layer.

This foam appears due to surface-active agents in coffee, primarily carbohydrates and proteins, which stabilize the bubbles and reinforce the structure of crema. While moka pots and some Aeropress methods can produce small amounts of crema, espresso's high pressure results in a more abundant and stable crema.

Taste and Function of Crema

While crema looks appealing, its taste tends to be more bitter and dry than the rest of the espresso due to its higher CO2 content and lack of sweet compounds. Many people stir the crema into the coffee to balance the flavors, while others prefer to skim it off to reduce bitterness and dryness.

What Crema Can Tell You About Coffee

The amount of crema can provide insight into the coffee's freshness, roast level, and extraction process. Freshly roasted beans contain more CO2, resulting in more crema, while darker roasts also produce more crema due to the longer roasting time. If the crema disappears quickly, it could indicate under-extraction or uneven water flow, which weakens the coffee’s viscosity and makes the foam unstable.

Tiger Stripes and Stirring Crema

In darker roasts, crema may display tiger stripes or spots, which are natural patterns caused by high concentrations of coffee particles during extraction. While beautiful, they are no cause for concern. Additionally, since crema has a stronger, more bitter taste, many choose to stir it into the espresso for a more balanced flavor, or skim it off entirely for a smoother taste.

The Impact of Coffee Oils on Crema

Oils in coffee act as anti-foams, reducing crema formation. This is why Robusta beans, which contain less oil, tend to produce more crema. In high-pressure espresso extraction, the oils are emulsified with water, which minimizes their negative impact on foam. Higher pressure also helps prolong crema’s lifespan.

Color and Longevity of Crema

Crema’s color correlates with the roast level and extraction time. Darker roasts and longer extractions result in darker crema, while lighter roasts or faster extractions yield lighter crema. The viscosity of the coffee also plays a role in crema’s longevity—the more viscous the coffee, the longer the crema lasts.

How to Enhance Crema Production

To produce more crema, use freshly roasted beans, as CO2 dissipates over time. Brew the coffee immediately after grinding to retain more gases. Darker roasts will naturally produce more crema due to higher CO2 content.

Does Crema Matter?

Crema is an essential part of espresso, and its absence may indicate issues with the brewing process, such as stale beans or improper grind size. While crema can provide clues about the coffee’s freshness and extraction, it cannot reveal the flavor. However, its visual appeal and contribution to the overall sensory experience make it an integral aspect of espresso.

