日曬、半日曬、蜜處理,差異?/Sun-dried, Semi-sun-dried, Honey-processed: Differences?



Sun-dried: Sun-drying is one of the most traditional coffee processing methods and also the simplest. In sun-drying, ripe coffee cherries are directly laid out in the sun to dry, preserving the integrity of the fruit. Sun-dried coffee beans typically exhibit complex and fermented flavor profiles, with natural fruity notes, as the beans remain in contact with the mucilage during the sun-drying process.

Pulped Natural: In pulped natural processing, also known as honey processing, the coffee beans retain some of the mucilage (referred to as honey) before being sun-dried. Coffee beans processed in this manner often possess a unique texture and flavor profile, with a subtle sweetness. This method can produce coffees that are soft and mildly sweet.

Honey Process: Honey processing involves varying degrees of mucilage retention, categorized into different types such as white honey, red honey, black honey, etc., depending on the desired amount of mucilage. Coffee beans processed using the honey process typically exhibit distinct sweetness and rich flavors, as they absorb the sweetness from the mucilage. Each type of honey process imparts its own unique flavor characteristics to the coffee.

In summary, all three methods retain some level of mucilage during the coffee bean processing, thereby influencing the bean's texture and flavor profile. Sun-dried beans offer layers of rich fruit flavors and fermented aromas, pulped natural beans provide a gentle texture and subtle sweetness, while honey-processed beans often boast intense sweetness and rich flavors.

