早上喝咖啡,不只是提神,還能讓你更長壽?|☕ Drinking Coffee in the Morning: More Than Just a Wake-Up Call? It Might Help You Live Longer! 🧠✨


如果你是個每天都要喝咖啡的人,那麼你有沒有想過——一天當中什麼時候喝咖啡最健康? 最新研究顯示,早上喝咖啡,不只讓你更清醒,還可能降低心血管疾病的死亡風險!


2025 年 1 月 8 日,《European Heart Journal》(歐洲心臟雜誌) 發表了一項研究,這是全球第一個探討喝咖啡時間與健康關聯性的研究。

研究由美國杜蘭大學公共衛生與熱帶醫學學院的教授 Lu Qi 及其團隊主導,他們分析了 4 萬 725 名美國成年人,調查他們是否喝咖啡、喝多少、以及一天中什麼時間喝,並進行了長達 近 10 年的追蹤調查


早上喝咖啡 的人: ✅ 整體死亡風險降低 16%死於心血管疾病的風險降低 31%

全天分散喝咖啡 的人: ❌ 死亡風險並沒有顯著降低

不喝咖啡 的人: ⚠️ 相比之下,健康優勢較低

這代表什麼? 同樣是喝咖啡,時間點竟然影響這麼大!


Lu Qi 教授推測,這可能與身體的生理時鐘有關。


🌙 下午或晚上喝咖啡,可能會打亂生理時鐘,影響褪黑激素,導致睡眠變差,甚至影響血壓和發炎反應,增加心血管風險。

🚀 英國皇家 Brompton and Harefield 醫院的 Thomas F. Lüscher 教授進一步補充,早上起床時,交感神經活動會大幅增加,此時喝咖啡有助於身體適應這個變化。但如果到了下午或晚上再喝,可能會影響睡眠品質,長期下來反而對心血管健康不利



想喝咖啡?早上喝就對了! 不只精神變好,還可能幫助你保持心血管健康。 ✅ 盡量避免下午或晚上喝太多,避免影響睡眠,讓身體保持正常的晝夜節律。




European Heart Journal: Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults

If you're someone who can't start the day without a cup of coffee, have you ever wondered—when is the healthiest time to drink coffee? A recent study suggests that drinking coffee in the morning not only keeps you alert but may also reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases!

📢 Groundbreaking Findings from Tulane University

On January 8, 2025, the European Heart Journal published a study—the first of its kind—that explores the relationship between coffee drinking time and health outcomes.

Led by Professor Lu Qi from Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, the research analyzed data from 40,725 American adults, tracking their coffee habits—including how much they drink and when they drink it—over nearly 10 years.

☕ Surprising Study Results!

🔹 Morning coffee drinkers:
16% lower overall risk of death
31% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases

🔹 People who drink coffee throughout the day:
No significant reduction in mortality risk

🔹 Non-coffee drinkers:
⚠️ Lower health benefits compared to morning coffee drinkers

What Does This Mean?

Drinking coffee is one thing, but the time you drink it makes a big difference!

Why Is Morning Coffee Healthier?

Professor Lu Qi suggests that this may be related to our body's biological clock.

In the morning, inflammatory substances in the body are most active. Coffee contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation-related damage to the cardiovascular system.

🌙 Drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening may disrupt sleep by affecting melatonin production, which could lead to poor sleep quality, blood pressure fluctuations, and increased cardiovascular risk.

🚀 Professor Thomas F. Lüscher from the UK’s Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital further explains that sympathetic nervous activity surges in the morning. Drinking coffee at this time can help the body adapt to these changes. However, consuming coffee later in the day might negatively impact sleep and, in the long run, harm cardiovascular health.

Time to Rethink Your Coffee Habits?

This study highlights an important concept: it’s not just about how much coffee you drink, but also when you drink it!

Want to enjoy coffee? Morning is the best time! Not only will it wake you up, but it may also support cardiovascular health.
Try to avoid excessive coffee intake in the afternoon or evening to maintain a healthy sleep cycle and let your body function naturally.

The research team now plans to conduct clinical trials to see whether adjusting coffee drinking time can directly improve health outcomes.

But for now, if you're a coffee lover, why not start drinking your coffee in the morning from tomorrow? ☕💡

📚 Reference

🔗 European Heart Journal: Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults

