味覺與嗅覺(三)/Taste and Smell (Part 3)







為了更好地理解咖啡的香氣,法國的Jean Lenoir設計了36味聞香瓶(Le Nez du Cafe)。這些聞香瓶分為四大類別:酵素、焦糖、乾餾和其他(瑕疵)。

1. 酵素群組: 主要展現淺烘焙的花果香氣,包括花香、芳香、柑橘、莓果、草本等類型。

2. 焦糖群組: 突顯中烘焙的堅果、焦糖和巧克力香氣,分為堅果類、焦糖類和巧克力類。

3. 乾餾群組: 帶有深烘焙的香料、樹酯和熱解類香氣,包括香料類、樹酯類和熱解類。






Coffee, that magical elixir waking up our souls every morning. Beyond the caffeine buzz, the aromatic allure of coffee is an intoxicating element. Today, we delve deep into the mysteries of coffee aroma, exploring from a chemical perspective to a sensory experience.

The Chemistry Essence

The origins of coffee aroma are diverse, including elements like caramel, nuts, cream, almonds, and fruits. Scientists have identified over 300 compounds in raw coffee beans, with roasted beans boasting at least 850. These compounds, primarily furan compounds, contribute to the complex and unique aroma of coffee.

Enzymes play a crucial role in the formation of coffee aroma. Beans, in their metabolic process, secrete enzymes breaking down large molecules into smaller ones, generating organic acids like apple, lemon, and tartaric acids, enhancing coffee with acidic flavors. Whether through sun-drying or water-washing methods, fermentation stages further enrich the flavor profile of coffee.

Maillard reaction and caramelization are two key reactions during coffee roasting. Maillard reaction brings forth nutty and chocolatey aromas, while caramelization, occurring during heating, produces scents of honey, maple, and caramel. Light-roasted coffee emphasizes floral and fruity aromas, while medium to dark roasts accentuate nutty, cocoa, and caramel notes.

The Enchanting Experience of Scent Bottles

To better comprehend coffee aromas, Jean Lenoir from France designed the 36 Aroma Kit (Le Nez du Cafe). These scent bottles fall into four main categories: Enzyme, Caramel, Dry Distillation, and Other (Defects).

1. Enzyme Group: Primarily showcases floral and fruity aromas of light roasts, including floral, aromatic, citrus, berry, and herbal notes.

2. Caramel Group: Highlights the nutty, caramel, and chocolate aromas of medium roasts, categorized into nutty, caramel, and chocolate types.

3. Dry Distillation Group: Features the spicy, resinous, and pyrolytic aromas of dark roasts, encompassing spice, resin, and pyrolysis categories.

These scent bottles aid not only beginners in sensory training but also coffee enthusiasts in a more profound exploration of the coffee’s intricate flavors. However, it’s essential to remember that these are tools for assistance; the true experience lies in the genuine tasting of coffee.


Coffee aroma is a grand feast of chemistry and sensation. Behind each cup of coffee lies infinite possibilities and surprises. Through a profound understanding of the aroma formation process, we can better appreciate the uniqueness of this liquid gold. Let’s immerse ourselves in the fragrance of coffee, savoring this delightful journey of taste.

In every drop of coffee, countless chemical wonders and sensory adventures unfold—let’s savor together this poetic symphony of aromas.

