水溫對咖啡風味的巧思/The Artistry of Water Temperature in Coffee Flavor ☕️🌟









1. 粗一點的咖啡豆粉末,可以有較長的浸泡時間,反之亦然。

2. 較高的水溫,則應選擇較粗的咖啡豆粉末,浸泡時間較短。

3. 較低的水溫,應選擇較細的咖啡豆粉末,浸泡時間較長。

4. 淺焙的咖啡選擇較細的磨豆方式,以突顯地區風味。


雖然建議水溫不要低於攝氏 75 度或高於攝氏 95 度,但這僅僅是參考值,而工具的特定考慮因素,如虹吸或摩卡壺的使用方法,也會影響釀製過程。

總之,探索自己喜好的風味世界是一場不斷進行的冒險,需要知識、經驗和實驗的結合。讓我們擁抱這份複雜性,享受品味學習的旅程,並感受咖啡風味的不斷演進! ☕🌈


In the realm of coffee, water temperature is a mysterious force quietly shaping the flavor of each brew. A coffee enthusiast in the community recently posed a question: how does the temperature of water used for coffee extraction impact its flavor? Someone shared a peculiar situation – despite using freshly opened coffee beans with assured freshness, the aroma, richness, and acidity were oddly absent. The initial suspicion pointed toward excessively high water temperature, yet the answer remains elusive. To delve deeper into the influence of water temperature on coffee flavor, let's unravel the complexities.

Certainly, water temperature can affect the extraction of coffee liquid, but success hinges not solely on temperature; it lies in the artistry of brewing. As the saying goes, "The weapon isn't the knife; it's the one wielding it." Water is merely a tool in the hands of the brewer.

Understanding coffee to a certain extent is crucial and can be acquired through experience or research. Varieties, origins, and roasting levels contribute to flavor differences. Following these factors, one must also consider the coarseness of coffee grounds, accompanied by the corresponding water temperature and brewing time.

Consider breaking the temperature myth with an example: cold brew coffee is entirely crafted through cold extraction, relying on cool water and prolonged immersion in coffee grounds to achieve the desired extraction effect. This emphasizes that low temperature and extended brewing time can yield a rational coffee extraction.

From a scientific perspective, well-roasted coffee beans under a microscope reveal numerous fiber-like pores where coffee essence adheres. Through water immersion, these essences blend with water and are extracted.

An experiment from Japan highlighted that overly fine coffee grounds result in inferior extraction, underscoring that an overly delicate grinding method isn't the optimal choice. Additionally, excessively fine powder is prone to producing unwanted burnt flavors at high temperatures.

The interaction between water temperature, fineness of coffee grounds, and brewing time requires the accumulation of knowledge and experience for optimal results. This explains why we often see pour-over baristas smelling and touching the coffee before brewing.

Recommendations for beginners:

1. Coarser coffee grounds allow for longer brewing time, and vice versa.

2. Higher water temperature requires coarser coffee grounds and shorter brewing time.

3. Lower water temperature calls for finer coffee grounds and longer brewing time.

4. For lightly roasted coffee, opt for a finer grinding method to accentuate regional flavors.

Adhering to these recommendations can reduce burnt flavors, enhance the natural taste of coffee beans, and accentuate regional characteristics. However, adjustments are necessary based on specific coffee beans, achieved through experimentation and continual refinement of preferences.

While it's suggested to keep water temperature between 75 to 95 degrees Celsius, these are merely reference values. Factors specific to tools, such as siphons or Moka pots, will also influence the brewing process.

In conclusion, the journey to discover one's preferred flavor profile is an ongoing adventure, requiring the amalgamation of knowledge, experience, and experimentation. Let's embrace the complexity, enjoy the learning process, and savor the ever-evolving flavors of coffee! ☕🌈

