味覺與嗅覺(一)/Taste and Smell (Part 1)


1. 基本概念

  • 味覺是感知化學刺激的一種感覺
  • 味蕾分佈在舌頭上,需溶解於水、油或唾液方能感受
  • 科學界確認味覺能感受到五種基本味道:酸、甜、苦、鮮、鹹、脂肪。
  • 辣、涼、麻不屬於味覺,而是其他感覺細胞的產物

2. 咖啡的味覺探索

  • 咖啡含有酸、甜、苦等味道,風味50%來自先天條件。
  • 香酸味源於咖啡豆中的有機酸。
  • 刺激酸味是後加工或烘焙中的發酵作用。
  • 酸味和澀味主要來自咖啡中的綠原酸,烘焙過程中轉化成奎寧酸與咖啡酸。
  • 甜味來自咖啡豆的碳水化合物,成熟速度影響甜味濃度。

3. 烘焙的藝術

  • 咖啡風味50%來自後天加工烘焙
  • 梅納反應和焦糖化反應在140~165℃和160~200℃間發揮作用

4. 理解咖啡的口感

  •   醇厚度是濃度的表現,由可溶咖啡固體總含量(TDCS)定義。
  • 全脂牛奶和脫脂牛奶分別影響咖啡的濃稠感
  • 產地和處理法影響咖啡的醇厚度,帶來層次豐富的風味

5. 油脂感與澀感的角色

  • 脂質差異,阿拉比卡豆脂質高出60%
  • 濾紙和金屬濾網影響咖啡油脂,高油脂增添咖啡的濃郁感。
  • 澀感描述口腔乾燥或收斂感,與苦味容易混淆
  • 多酚如綠原酸與二咖啡奎寧酸連結澀感,同時咖啡因也是澀感的成因之一




Unveiling the Mystery of "Taste":

1. Basic Concepts

  • Taste is a sensation triggered by chemical stimuli.
  • Taste buds, located on the tongue, must dissolve in water, oil, or saliva to be perceived.
  • Scientists confirm the ability to perceive five basic tastes: sour, sweet, bitter, umami,  salty and Oleogustus.
  • Spiciness, coolness, and numbness are sensations on the tongue's surface, not tastes generated by taste buds.

2. Exploring the Taste of Coffee

  • Coffee contains flavors like sour, sweet, and bitter, with 50% of its taste influenced by inherent conditions.
  • Acidity arises from organic acids in coffee beans.
  • Stimulating acidity results from fermentation during post-processing or roasting.
  • Both sourness and bitterness originate from chlorogenic acids in coffee, transforming into quinic and coffee acids during roasting.
  • Sweetness comes from carbohydrates in coffee beans, and the ripeness speed affects sweetness intensity.

3. The Art of Roasting

  • Half of coffee's flavor comes from post-processing roasting.
  • Maillard reaction and caramelization occur optimally between 140–165°C and 160–200°C, respectively.

4. Understanding Coffee's Mouthfeel

  • Fullness indicates concentration, defined by Total Dissolved Coffee Solids (TDCS).
  • Full-fat and skim milk affect coffee thickness differently.
  • Origin and processing significantly impact coffee's fullness, bringing a rich layer of flavors.

5. Roles of Oiliness and Astringency

Arabica beans have 60% more lipids compared to Robusta beans.

  • Coffee oil filtration varies with paper and metal filters, affecting the perceived thickness.
  • Astringency describes dryness or a contracting sensation in the mouth, often confused with bitterness.
  • Polyphenols such as chlorogenic acids and diCQAs link to astringency, with caffeine contributing to this sensation.


Balancing the right amount of astringency enhances coffee flavors, while excess may signal over-extraction.

Every cup of coffee is a sensory adventure, guiding us through the fascinating realm of taste.

