味覺與嗅覺(二)/Taste and Smell (Part 2)













As we delve into the world of gastronomy, we often overlook a quiet yet crucial "maestro of taste" – our sense of smell. Olfaction is divided into two main categories: "orthonasal olfaction," which detects external aromas, and "retronasal olfaction," responsible for the internal passage of scents from the mouth to the nasal cavity. Together, they not only enhance the sensitivity of our taste buds to textures but also play an indispensable role in many gastronomic experiences.

Olfactory Fatigue:

Despite the heightened sensitivity of our sense of smell, it has its limits. Typically, the human nose can only identify three different smells at once, and even with training, the limit extends to seven. This becomes particularly evident during coffee cupping, where repetitive aromatic stimuli can lead to olfactory fatigue, making it challenging to discern other aromas – akin to continuously smelling various perfumes until your nose becomes desensitized, requiring a reset with a few coffee beans.

Rediscovering the Original Scent:

To combat olfactory fatigue, a helpful trick is to smell your own skin's natural scent, devoid of fragrance products. This simple act can reset your sense of smell, restoring sensitivity to different aromas, resembling a rejuvenating journey for your olfactory senses.

The Complex Blend of Flavor:

Flavor, the amalgamation of taste, retronasal olfaction, and oral touch sensation, becomes a complex symphony. In the realm of coffee, the "Coffee Flavor Wheel," a collaboration between the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the World Coffee Research, serves as a pivotal tool. It classifies flavors into categories such as floral, fruity, sweet, nutty/cocoa, spicy, roasty, vegetal, and fermented, with a detailed breakdown into 85 specific flavor profiles. Utilizing the Coffee Flavor Wheel not only aids in creating a shared language for cupping but also becomes an art of consciously savoring coffee.

Techniques for Using the Flavor Wheel:

When using the Flavor Wheel, start from the center, where broader descriptions are closer to the core and more precise ones extend towards the periphery. Once a flavor is identified, return to the center and search for another, repeating this process. Reading the vocabulary becomes a tool for describing flavors, serving as crucial information for professional cuppers.

The Unique Taste of Taiwanese Coffee:

However, due to cultural differences in dietary habits, some flavors in the Western Flavor Wheel might be less familiar to locals. Therefore, the "Taiwanese Coffee Flavor Wheel" introduces tropical fruit, melon, and dried fruit elements such as smoked plum and red dates, aiming to make flavors more relatable to Taiwanese palates and easier to understand and share. It's like discovering a unique Taiwanese flavor route in the vast sea of tastes.

On our journey of culinary exploration, let's pay closer attention to the olfactory maestros silently guiding our taste adventures. Their presence orchestrates a silent symphony of flavors, adding a dimension of richness to our gastronomic experiences.

