咖啡時間/Coffee Key


  1. 皮質醇的作用: 皮質醇是一種由腎上腺產生的類固醇激素,對神經系統、免疫系統、心血管系統等多個器官系統都有影響。它在身體應對壓力、控制代謝和其他生理過程中起著關鍵作用。
  2. 咖啡因對皮質醇的影響: 皮質醇在早上醒來時達到巔峰水平,而這也是大多數人選擇飲咖啡的時間。然而,過多的咖啡因可能會增加皮質醇的產生,並導致身體對咖啡因的依賴。最佳的飲咖啡時間是在皮質醇水平開始下降的上午9點到中午,以及下午1點至5點。
  3. 皮質醇分泌失衡的可能影響: 過多或過少的皮質醇都可能導致健康問題。過多皮質醇的徵狀包括體重增加、皮膚問題和月經不規律,而皮質醇不足可能引起疲倦、體重下降和肌肉無力等問題。
  4. 建議的飲咖啡時間: 根據皮質醇水平的變化,建議上午10點到中午和下午2點至5點是較適合飲咖啡的時間,因為這是皮質醇水平相對較低的時候。
  5. 注意事項: 長期高咖啡因攝入可能導致對咖啡因的耐受性增加,並可能對健康產生不良影響。皮質醇分泌的失衡也可能引起一系列健康問題。


  1. Role of Cortisol: Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, impacting various organ systems such as the nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular system. It plays a crucial role in the body's response to stress, metabolic control, and other physiological processes.
  2. Effect of Caffeine on Cortisol: Cortisol peaks in the morning upon waking, which is also the time when most people choose to drink coffee. However, excessive caffeine intake may increase cortisol production and lead to the body's dependence on caffeine. The optimal time for coffee consumption is suggested to be between 10 AM and noon when cortisol levels begin to decline and from 2 PM to 5 PM.
  3. Potential Effects of Cortisol Imbalance: Both excess and insufficient cortisol levels can lead to health problems. Symptoms of excess cortisol include weight gain, skin issues, and irregular menstruation, while insufficient cortisol may result in fatigue, weight loss, and muscle weakness.
  4. Recommended Coffee Consumption Times: Considering the fluctuations in cortisol levels, it is recommended to consume coffee between 10 AM and noon and from 2 PM to 5 PM when cortisol levels are relatively lower.
  5. Important Notes: Prolonged high caffeine intake may increase tolerance, potentially adversely affecting health. Imbalances in cortisol secretion may also contribute to a range of health issues.

