手沖咖啡的平衡之道 / The Art of Balancing Hand Drip Coffee




⚠️ 瞄準時機的精準度


⚠️ 挑戰:一次萃取多杯


⚠️ 濾杯的智慧選擇


⚠️ 水溫的奧妙香氣


⚠️ 手沖壺的品味之選




Creating the perfect hand drip coffee requires not only carefully selected tools but also meticulous brewing skills. Here are the refined elements to consider for crafting the ideal cup of coffee:

⚠️ Precision in Timing

In various brewing methods, hot water is injected in multiple stages, and the extraction time is not equivalent to the total preparation time. Remember, the actual contact time is crucial for capturing the essence of coffee flavors.

⚠️ Challenge: Brewing for Multiple Cups

When brewing coffee for multiple cups simultaneously, increasing the coffee grounds proportionally may lead to an extended extraction time, resulting in over-extracted coffee. To maintain consistent flavor, choose slightly larger coffee grounds and adjust the water temperature accordingly.

⚠️ Intelligent Filter Selection

Various filter types (such as single-hole small, single-hole large, triple-hole, etc.) influence filtration speed. Filters with small holes produce a more stable coffee flow, while those with large holes have a faster flow rate, potentially causing uneven extraction of coffee grounds.

⚠️ The Subtle Aroma of Water Temperature

While water temperature doesn't directly affect extraction, it serves as the source of aroma. Precisely controlling the water temperature contributes to enriching the layers and flavors of coffee.

⚠️ Choosing the Right Pouring Kettle

Especially during outdoor camping, handle the heating of the pouring kettle with care to avoid an increase in the temperature of the kettle body, which could result in over-extraction. Opt for a pouring kettle with a narrow spout at the front and a wide spout at the back to increase water flow. Maintain a firm grip on your arm during the brewing process to ensure a stable water flow.

In conclusion, adopting a segmented brewing method allows for careful attention to each drop of coffee, ensuring stability in both water temperature and flow rate. This is not just a cup of coffee but an art form that pursues the utmost balance in taste.

