咖啡與牛奶:深入了解不同種類的選擇 Coffee and Milk: A Deep Dive into Different Varieties of Choices





政府對於乳品有明確的定義,但一般常說的「牛奶」只是對這些乳品的通稱。以下是各種乳飲品的定義,包括專業標準 CNS(中華民國國家標準):

  1. 生乳 (Raw Milk):符合 CNS 3055 標準。這是指從健康的乳牛和乳羊身上擠出來的未經處理的乳汁,包括牛乳和羊乳。

  2. 鮮乳 (Fresh Milk):符合 CNS 3056 標準。鮮乳以生乳為原料,經殺菌包裝後,需要全程冷藏保存、販售並飲用的乳汁。鮮乳可以分為不同脂肪含量的類別,如高脂、全脂、中脂、低脂和脫脂。

  3. 調味乳 (Flavored Milk):符合 CNS 3057 標準。調味乳以50%以上的生乳、鮮乳或保久乳為主要原料,並添加調味料等,如巧克力、麥芽或蘋果口味的調味乳。

  4. 保久乳 (Sterilized Milk):符合 CNS 13292 標準。保久乳是以生乳或鮮乳經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌後,以無菌包裝供飲用的乳汁,可以在常溫下保存。保久乳擁有最長的保存期限,因為幾乎沒有殘留的生物。

  5. 乳飲品 (Dairy Drinks):符合 CNS 15792 標準。乳飲品是將乳粉(奶粉)或濃縮乳加水還原成與原鮮乳比例相同的還原乳,或者將還原乳混合生乳、鮮乳或保久乳。乳飲品可以混和其他非乳原料及食品添加物製成未發酵飲用製品。



值得注意的是,市場上有些調味乳飲料可能不屬於「調味乳」(CNS 3057),而是被歸類為「乳飲品」(CNS 15792),因為它們可能是使用奶粉加水調製而成,而非以生乳或鮮乳為主要原料。


如果你希望購買真正的「鮮乳」,務必留意包裝上是否貼有「鮮乳標章」。根據台灣區乳品工業同業公會的資料,曾經有廠商將奶粉調製後冷藏販售,但政府規定,國產鮮乳必須通過核查,並經過檢驗,方可貼上由行政院農業委員會核發的「鮮乳標章」,這才能真正被稱為「鮮乳」(CNS 3056)產品。

最後,市場上出售的各種乳飲品多種多樣,消費者在選購時要特別留意成分標示,以確保所選擇的乳飲品符合自己的需求和偏好,並滿足標準 CNS 的定義。這有助於避免混淆和確保你所購買的產品符合你的期望。


Coffee, especially beverages like lattes, has become an indispensable part of many people's daily lives. This rich coffee experience relies on a key ingredient: milk. However, you may have noticed that milk comes in different names and price ranges at various coffee shops. Why do some lattes cost NT120 while others are only NT65? Let's delve deeper into the various types and components of milk.

The Wonders of Latte Coffee

A latte coffee is based on espresso and is made by adding steamed milk. This simple combination brings us a rich coffee flavor while also imparting a gentle texture and creamy aroma to the coffee. Hence, milk plays a pivotal role in this process, and its type and quality directly influence the taste of our coffee.

Different Types of Milk

In coffee shops, you'll typically encounter three different types of milk:

  1. Raw Milk: This is milk that's obtained from healthy cows and goats, and it's milk that hasn't undergone any processing other than cooling. Due to the presence of bacteria, raw milk is usually challenging to find on the market, but it serves as a raw material for various dairy products.

  2. Fresh Milk: Fresh milk is made from raw milk and undergoes pasteurization and packaging. It must be stored, sold, and consumed while being refrigerated. Fresh milk is often the preferred choice in coffee shops due to its creamy texture and nutritional value. It's an ideal choice for making lattes and other beverages.

  3. Sterilized Milk: Sterilized milk is raw or fresh milk that has undergone high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization and is packaged aseptically for consumption. While it's less commonly used in coffee shops in Taiwan, it's more prevalent in other countries. Sterilized milk has a longer shelf life but is less commonly used.

Price and Quality Relationship

The type and quality of milk significantly impact the cost and flavor of coffee. For instance, 100% fresh milk, typically marked with a cow logo, is relatively more expensive, ranging from around NT85 to NT95 per liter. Regular milk, on the other hand, costs approximately NT60 to NT70 per liter. However, if you're open to sterilized milk, its price is usually closer to regular milk, with consistent quality.

Choices and Impacts of Different Milk

The use of different types of milk in coffee also affects the final flavor. If you enjoy single-origin coffee, fresh milk is likely your preferred choice because its creamy texture and flavor perfectly complement the coffee's taste. On the other hand, if you prefer a richer milk flavor, consider selecting dark roasted coffee beans so that the milk's creaminess won't overpower the coffee.

The Joy of Making Coffee at Home

Making coffee at home has a significant advantage—you have the freedom to experiment with various coffee beans, different types of milk, and explore a wide range of flavors to suit your taste preferences. This not only provides you with more choices but also saves costs while enjoying a healthy and delicious coffee.

We hope this article helps you gain a deeper understanding of the role of milk in coffee and inspires you to enjoy the pleasure of making coffee at home.

