咖啡因 vs. 低因咖啡. Caffeine vs. Decaffeinated Coffee

咖啡因 vs. 低因咖啡



間接溶劑法(Indirect Solvent Method):咖啡豆浸泡在熱水中,使咖啡因和其他化合物溶解在水中。然後,水中的溶劑(通常是二氯甲烷或乙酸乙酯)被用來分離咖啡因,最後咖啡因被蒸發和去除,而咖啡豆再次吸收咖啡因以及其他風味元素。

直接溶劑法(Direct Solvent Method):這種方法將咖啡豆直接處理溶劑,通常是乙酸乙酯。咖啡豆在這種溶劑中浸泡,以去除咖啡因,然後再蒸發以去除殘留的溶劑。


水處理法(Swiss Water Process):這是一種更自然的方法,不使用化學溶劑。瑞士處理法使用清澈山泉水來去除咖啡因。咖啡豆首先浸泡在水中,然後使用一層活性炭過濾去除咖啡因,但不會影響咖啡豆的風味特性。最後,豆子經過乾燥處理,以去除多餘的水分。












Caffeine vs. Low-Caffeine Coffee

Processing Methods

Low-caffeine coffee is a type of coffee that undergoes special processing to reduce its caffeine content, allowing people to enjoy the flavor of coffee while minimizing its impact on the body. Here are some common methods used to produce low-caffeine coffee:

1. Indirect Solvent Method: Coffee beans are soaked in hot water, causing caffeine and other compounds to dissolve. Then, a solvent (usually dichloromethane or ethyl acetate) is used to separate the caffeine. Finally, the caffeine is evaporated and removed, and the coffee beans reabsorb both caffeine and other flavor elements.

2. Direct Solvent Method: This method directly treats coffee beans with a solvent, typically ethyl acetate. The beans are soaked in this solvent to remove caffeine, which is then evaporated to eliminate any remaining residue.

3. Carbon Dioxide High-Pressure Extraction: This approach uses high pressure to turn released carbon dioxide into a liquid, effectively extracting caffeine. The liquid CO2 is then returned to room temperature to revert back to a gas. However, this method is costly and less commonly used.

4. Swiss Water Process: This is a more natural method that avoids chemical solvents. The Swiss Water Process uses pure mountain spring water to remove caffeine. Coffee beans are first soaked in water, then an activated charcoal filter is used to remove the caffeine without affecting the flavor characteristics of the beans. Finally, the beans undergo drying to remove excess moisture.

Flavor Differences

While these processing methods effectively reduce caffeine content, they may also introduce some flavor variations, potentially losing some of the unique characteristics of coffee. As a result, low-caffeine coffee may not be as bold or rich in taste as regular coffee. It's a choice for some, especially those who want to enjoy the flavor of coffee without consuming too much caffeine.

Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine is a natural chemical compound found in coffee that provides an alertness-boosting effect. However, it can also have negative effects on some individuals, such as insomnia, palpitations, and anxiety. It's important to note that some of these negative effects may not be solely due to excessive caffeine, but may also be related to the quality and processing methods of the coffee.

High-Caffeine Coffee

Typically, specialty coffees like espresso, cold brew, and pour-over coffee tend to have higher caffeine content. They are ideal choices for those who enjoy the stimulating effects of coffee and want to savor its flavor. However, for individuals sensitive to caffeine or looking to reduce their caffeine intake, these options might not be the best choice.

Advantages of Low-Caffeine Coffee

The main advantage of low-caffeine coffee is that it offers a way to enjoy the flavor of coffee without worrying about excessive caffeine intake. This is a boon for individuals sensitive to caffeine or pregnant women. However, low-caffeine coffee is not yet widely available in the market, and it may be less common due to its higher price or lower cost-effectiveness. Hopefully, there will be more diverse and reasonably priced options for low-caffeine coffee in the future.


Both caffeine and low-caffeine coffee have their advantages and suitable scenarios. The choice depends on your preferences and needs. If you enjoy the energizing effects of coffee and are not sensitive to caffeine, any type of coffee may be suitable for you. If you want to reduce caffeine intake or explore a wider range of flavor profiles, then low-caffeine coffee or choosing high-quality Arabica beans for pour-over brewing is a good option. Regardless of your choice, coffee can still be a delightful experience for your taste buds.

