下雨天的濃縮校正挑戰 Challenges of Espresso Calibration on Rainy Days








1. 保護咖啡豆免受潮氣侵害: 在高濕度的環境中,咖啡豆更容易受到潮氣的侵害。咖啡店可以在白天營業時關緊門窗,同時使用空調冷卻和抽濕,以減少潮氣的進入。在關店時,咖啡豆應轉移到乾燥的容器中或密封保存,以確保它們不受潮氣的影響。

2. 解決咖啡粉結塊問題: 咖啡粉結塊可能是由於過度細研磨引起的靜電過多。減少結塊的可能性可以通過調整研磨度,使之稍微粗糙一些。然後,您可能需要增加粉量,以協調流速,以確保均勻的萃取。

3. 實時調整參數: 最重要的是,咖啡師應該時刻關注實際的萃取情況,並根據需要進行實時調整。這樣可以避免出品後味道異常的問題,確保每一杯咖啡都具有一致的品質。




As someone who frequently savors coffee or perhaps even as a barista behind the counter, have you ever found yourself adjusting espresso on a rainy day or entering a coffee shop only to discover that the coffee doesn't seem as impressive as it does on sunny days? It appears to be a common phenomenon, but for baristas, this situation can be quite troublesome and challenging.

Why does Italian espresso seem particularly challenging to brew on rainy days? Let's delve into the reasons behind this and explore how to overcome these challenges.

The Impact of Weather Changes on Coffee

First, let's understand why rainy days can lead to unstable coffee flavor. In essence, the quality of Italian espresso is influenced by various factors, including the condition of coffee beans, air temperature, and humidity. Baristas must continuously adjust parameters each day to ensure the ideal flavor can be extracted while maintaining consistency. However, unlike sunny days, rainy days often come with low atmospheric pressure and high humidity, making these adjustments more complex.

As indoor humidity rises, the increased moisture in the air can affect the condition of stored coffee beans, causing coffee grounds to become damp and prone to clumping in the grinder's blades and channels. These clumps result in uneven extraction, potentially leading to bitterness or off-flavors in a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the decrease in atmospheric pressure may weaken the espresso machine's pressure, further impacting the coffee's flavor and aroma.

Overcoming Rainy Day Challenges

Now, let's discuss some strategies to overcome the challenges presented by rainy days, ensuring we can still enjoy delightful Italian espresso.

  1. 1.Protect Coffee Beans from Moisture: In high-humidity environments, coffee beans are more susceptible to moisture. Coffee shops can keep doors and windows tightly closed during daytime operation while using air conditioning for cooling and dehumidification to reduce moisture entry. When closing the shop, coffee beans should be transferred to dry containers or sealed to safeguard them from moisture's effects.

  2. 2.Address Coffee Ground Clumping: Clumping of coffee grounds may result from excessive fine grinding and static electricity. To reduce clumping, adjust the grind size to be slightly coarser. You may need to increase the amount of coffee grounds to ensure an even extraction while coordinating with flow rate.

  3. 3.Real-Time Parameter Adjustment: Most importantly, baristas should monitor the actual extraction continuously and make real-time adjustments as needed. This prevents issues with abnormal flavors after brewing and ensures consistent quality in every cup of coffee.


Coffee is an art, and weather changes can pose challenges for baristas. However, by taking measures such as protecting coffee beans from moisture, addressing coffee ground clumping, and making real-time parameter adjustments, we can still enjoy delicious Italian espresso on rainy days. Regardless of the weather, let's cherish every coffee experience and appreciate the dedication and expertise of baristas.

