咖啡風味失蹤?手沖的秘密解析! Coffee Flavor Disappearing? Unveiling the Secrets of Pour-Over!







水質直接影響咖啡的風味。使用潔净的、適合的水來沖泡咖啡是至關重要的。含有異味或過硬的水可能嚴重影響咖啡的風味。水的硬度(TDS)應保持在適宜範圍內,通常在100 ppm至200 ppm之間。不含任何雜質的純淨水也不適合,因為它可能無法提供必要的礦物質,這些礦物質有助於萃取咖啡的風味。


  • 選購新鮮的咖啡豆: 確保您購買新鮮烘焙的咖啡豆,並盡量在賞味期限內使用。這將確保咖啡具有最佳的風味。

  • 咖啡豆研磨度: 根據您的沖煮方式調整研磨度,確保研磨細度適中。太細或太粗的研磨度都可能導致咖啡品質下降。

  • 注意水質: 使用潔淨的、適合的水來沖泡咖啡。如果您的水質有問題,可以考慮過濾或使用礦泉水。

  • 技巧和細節: 深入學習手沖咖啡的技巧,包括比例、注水方式、溫度和沖泡時間。精進這些技巧將有助於提升咖啡風味。




Coffee has transcended its role as a mere beverage; it has become an art form. For coffee enthusiasts and baristas, pour-over coffee represents the pursuit of the ultimate flavor experience. However, even with the finest coffee beans and impeccable techniques, achieving a delightful flavor can sometimes prove elusive. In this article, we delve deep into the mysteries of pour-over coffee, explaining why flavor can be elusive at times and offering solutions to overcome these challenges.

Freshness of Coffee Beans:

The first and foremost consideration in pour-over coffee is the freshness of the coffee beans. Coffee beans are highly sensitive, and their flavor evolves over time. The "best by" date on coffee packaging serves as a crucial reference point; exceeding this date can result in a significant drop in flavor. It is advisable to choose freshly roasted coffee beans, ideally using them within 90 days of the roasting date to ensure that your coffee retains its peak flavor.

Grind Size:

Another critical factor to consider is the grind size of the coffee beans. Different brewing methods require varying degrees of coarseness or fineness in the grind. Grinding too fine or too coarse can both lead to a decline in coffee quality. To achieve the best results, it's essential to adjust the grind size according to your chosen brewing method. For pour-over coffee, a medium to medium-fine grind is generally recommended to ensure even extraction and a rich, flavorful coffee.

Water Quality:

The quality of water directly influences the flavor of your coffee. It's essential to use clean and appropriate water for brewing. Water with off-putting odors or excessive hardness can significantly impact your coffee's flavor. The hardness of water, measured as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), should ideally fall within the range of 100 ppm to 200 ppm. Pure, distilled water, devoid of any minerals, is also unsuitable as it may not provide the necessary minerals required for extracting the coffee's flavor.

Solutions and Recommendations:

  • Choose Fresh Coffee Beans: Ensure that you select freshly roasted coffee beans and strive to use them within their recommended shelf life. This guarantees that your coffee maintains its peak flavor.

  • Adjust Coffee Bean Grind Size: Tailor the grind size to match your chosen brewing method, ensuring it falls within the moderate range. Grinding too fine or too coarse can compromise your coffee's quality.

  • Mind the Water Quality: Use clean and appropriate water for brewing. If your water quality is questionable, consider filtering it or opt for bottled mineral water.

  • Hone Your Techniques and Details: Dive deep into mastering pour-over coffee techniques, including ratios, pouring methods, temperature, and brewing time. Enhancing these skills will contribute to a richer coffee flavor.

It's important to note that lower-priced coffee beans may not deliver the flavor profile of higher-priced options due to inherent differences in quality.

In Conclusion:

In summary, pour-over coffee is an art that demands meticulous preparation and skill. The freshness of coffee beans, grind size, water quality, and technique are key to ensuring you brew a delightful cup. By following the recommendations outlined above, you can overcome the challenge of pour-over coffee sometimes lacking in flavor and savor the most exquisite cups. The world of coffee offers endless possibilities, so let's collectively pursue the ultimate coffee flavor!


Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions about coffee or suggestions for future topics, please feel free to reach out. We hope you continue to enjoy the delightful world of pour-over coffee, and may you have a wonderful day!

