咖啡科學:濕潤濾紙的秘密 Unveiling the Mystery of Wetting Coffee Filters









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常溫水組: 咖啡液溫度65.5攝氏度,萃取率15.36%,風味:莓果、蜂蜜、高溫甜感明顯,降溫後略帶雜味。

熱水組: 咖啡液溫度71.4攝氏度,萃取率15.12%,風味:檸檬、柑橘、酸質明亮、口感乾淨。






When you wake up in the morning and gaze at that ready cup of coffee, you might never have considered the science hidden within. However, this article will unveil a little-known secret: the method of wetting coffee filters—using hot water or room temperature water—can have a surprising impact on the flavor of your coffee.

Have you ever wondered why some people insist on wetting coffee filters with hot water before brewing, or have you always believed it to be an inconsequential step? Regardless of your viewpoint, we will delve into the mystery of wetting coffee filters through a series of precise experiments and comparisons.

In the midst of this debate among coffee enthusiasts, we will reveal an undeniable fact: the choice of water temperature for wetting coffee filters can indeed alter the flavor you experience in your cup. From eliminating paper taste to enhancing extraction efficiency, everything will be dissected, providing you with a deeper understanding of this subtle step in coffee preparation.

What's even more exciting is that we will share the latest experimental data comparing the effects of using hot water versus room temperature water to wet coffee filters. The results might astonish you, as they showcase how water temperature can transform the taste of your coffee, making your coffee experience even more rich and vibrant.

Whether you are a seasoned barista or simply someone looking to savor a delicious morning brew, this article will offer intriguing and captivating insights, helping you grasp the enchanting science behind wetting coffee filters. So, let's embark on this journey into the realm of coffee's secrets and discover the surprises it holds!


Coffee filters are an indispensable tool for coffee enthusiasts when it comes to brewing their morning cup of joe. However, a long-standing debate among coffee aficionados revolves around whether to pre-wet coffee filters with hot water or room-temperature water before brewing. This question has perplexed coffee lovers for quite some time, prompting us to conduct experiments and comparisons to explore the effects of using hot water versus room-temperature water to pre-wet coffee filters.

Why Pre-wet Coffee Filters?

First, let's understand why some people insist on pre-wetting coffee filters before brewing. There are several reasons for doing so:

  1. Eliminating Paper Taste: Certain coffee filters may carry a paper taste, and pre-wetting them helps remove this flavor, ensuring that it doesn't affect the coffee's flavor.

  2. Better Adherence to the Filter Holder: Pre-wet filters adhere more effectively to the inner walls of the filter holder, ensuring even contact between water and coffee grounds, thereby improving extraction efficiency.

  3. Preventing Coffee Absorption: If a filter becomes dry during the brewing process, it may absorb some of the brewed coffee, resulting in a reduced final yield.

Hot Water vs. Room Temperature Water:

Now, let's focus on the difference between using hot water and room-temperature water to pre-wet coffee filters. The primary distinction lies in the temperature of the water, which can have some impact on the coffee extraction process and flavor.

Experimental Comparison:

We conducted an experiment using two different water temperatures to pre-wet coffee filters, while keeping the coffee grounds and other parameters consistent. We observed the effects on the coffee's flavor:

  • Room Temperature Water Group: Coffee liquid temperature was 65.5 degrees Celsius, extraction rate was 15.36%, and the flavor profile included notes of berries, honey, a pronounced warmth, and slight off-flavors upon cooling.

  • Hot Water Group: Coffee liquid temperature was 71.4 degrees Celsius, extraction rate was 15.12%, and the flavor profile featured lemon, citrus, bright acidity, and a clean mouthfeel.


The results demonstrated that there is indeed a difference between using hot water and room-temperature water to pre-wet coffee filters. When hot water is used, both the filter and filter holder become warm, resulting in an initial increase in coffee temperature. This leads to the release of more acidic compounds in the early stages, resulting in a more pronounced acidity. On the other hand, using room-temperature water leads to a lower initial coffee temperature due to the heat absorption by the filter holder, resulting in less acidity. However, as the filter holder's temperature gradually rises, sweet and full-bodied compounds are released more rapidly, resulting in a more pronounced sweetness in filters pre-wet with room-temperature water.

In summary, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether hot water or room-temperature water should be used to pre-wet coffee filters. The choice largely depends on the material of the filter holder, the brewing environment's temperature, and the desired coffee flavor profile. If you use a filter holder with low thermal conductivity, such as a plastic one, the choice of hot water or room-temperature water for pre-wetting may not have a significant impact on coffee extraction. However, if you use a filter holder made of a material with high thermal conductivity, such as ceramic, pre-wetting with hot water can serve the dual purpose of preheating and enhancing the acidity of the coffee.

Therefore, the ultimate decision should be based on your personal preferences and brewing equipment, with adjustments made according to the specific circumstances to achieve the desired coffee flavor. Whether you choose hot water or room-temperature water, we hope you can savor a delicious cup of coffee.

