茶派vs.咖啡控 / Tea Lovers vs. Coffee Fanatics



這時,同事『王董』搗亂地湊熱鬧:“茶裡還不是有咖啡因?哪有比較好?” <白目臭小子>

茶和咖啡之戰,咖啡因是好還是壞? 讓我們以輕鬆幽默的方式,來揭開這場咖啡因之爭的神秘面紗!



所以,無論我們想不想,咖啡因已經成為我們生活中的小搗蛋旅伴。 提醒:很多家長不給小朋友碰咖啡因,但可樂等碳酸飲料,裡面也含有咖啡因喲!


咖啡因是一種可溶於水與脂質的雙極性物質,其化學結構非常像腺苷酸 (adenosine),腺甘酸是人體能量來源三磷酸腺苷 (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) 的骨架,也是一種神經調節劑,腺苷酸與腺苷酸化合物本身除了會降低清醒程度和警覺性外,還會降低具有刺激性的神經傳導物質濃度,而咖啡因與腺苷酸因結構相似,會與腺苷酸互相競爭接受器,因此咖啡因具有提神的效果。




過量的咖啡因會造成,心悸、手抖等,各種過敏現象,這種拍打節奏讓你覺得你的心臟是一位Rock man.建議選擇優良品種,讓身體輕鬆無負擔,不管是茶派還使咖啡控。


另一個大家關心的問題是,喝咖啡是否有助於減少失智或預防阿茲海默症。根據科學報導,每天攝取約261毫克咖啡因的人比每天攝取約64毫克咖啡因的人,表現出更少的失智症症狀。儘管這看起來好像每天兩杯咖啡可以讓你的大腦更聰明,但還是不能過量的。 其他研究文獻


根據科學研究,每天固定攝取2到3杯咖啡的男性,不管他們是否患有高血壓或超重等問題,相對不太可能遇到勃起功能障礙的難題。這種奇妙的效應或許是因為咖啡因可以增加血流量,使一切都更有活力! 文獻來自 - 奇美醫院生殖醫學中心

結論:咖啡 vs. 茶,誰才是真愛?








Every morning in the office, our dear colleague, Sheep Editor, puts on a show of needing coffee to function. Holding a cup of coffee, they mutter, "I can't function without my coffee!" On the other side of the room, our rotund Team Leader exudes confidence in being a tea enthusiast, proudly proclaiming, "I stick to tea; it's soothing and gentle on the stomach." Just then, mischievous colleague "Wang Boss" chimes in, stirring the pot, "But isn't there caffeine in tea? What's the real winner here?" (Cue eye roll!)

The battle between coffee and tea – is caffeine a friend or foe? Let's unravel the mysterious world of caffeine in a lighthearted and humorous manner!

Caffeine: Nature's Little Troublemaker

Caffeine was originally nature's self-defense mechanism, used by plants to fend off pests. However, when humans discovered its magical ability to wake us up, it transformed into an unstoppable beverage. Nowadays, when we talk about "coffee, tea, and cocoa," we're essentially talking about caffeine's partners in crime. And let's not forget about carbonated drinks and energy drinks – they're caffeine's mischievous cousins!

So, whether we like it or not, caffeine has become our mischievous companion in life.

A friendly reminder: Many parents keep caffeine away from their kids, but soft drinks like cola contain caffeine too!

The Wonders of Caffeine

Caffeine is a unique substance that's soluble in both water and fat. Its chemical structure closely resembles adenosine, a neurotransmitter in our brains. Adenosine is responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycle and reducing alertness. When adenosine binds with its receptors in the brain, it makes us feel sleepy. So, caffeine, being structurally similar to adenosine, competes with it for those receptors, which is why caffeine has an awakening effect.

Reference source: Nutrisport - Doctor's Column

In our barista training courses, we learn why sometimes coffee provides that much-needed energy boost and why it doesn't work at other times!

The Impact of Caffeine: A Scientific Peek

Heart: Beating to a Different Drum

Excessive caffeine can lead to symptoms like palpitations and tremors – all part of the caffeine-induced symphony. It can make your heart feel like a rock star on stage! The key is to choose high-quality sources of caffeine that won't burden your body, whether you're on Team Coffee or Team Tea.

Brain: A Utopian State

Another burning question – can coffee reduce the risk of dementia or prevent Alzheimer's disease? According to scientific reports, individuals who consume around 261 mg of caffeine daily show fewer symptoms of dementia compared to those who consume only around 64 mg. While it might seem like two cups of coffee a day can make you brainier, remember, moderation is key.

Additional research source: Sound of Hope

Superpower: A Man's Blessing

As per scientific studies, men who regularly consume 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day are less likely to experience erectile dysfunction, whether or not they have issues like high blood pressure or obesity. This marvelous effect might be attributed to caffeine's ability to enhance blood flow, ensuring everything stays vibrant!

Reference source: Chi Mei Hospital Reproductive Medicine Center

Conclusion: Coffee vs. Tea – Who's the Real Love?

Whether you're a tea aficionado or a coffee connoisseur, remember two golden rules: control the "quantity" of caffeine and choose good "sources." For most people, moderate daily consumption of coffee or tea won't pose health problems.

If you're on Team Tea, savor your cup of tea!

If you're a coffee aficionado, relish the unique flavors of coffee.

Regardless of your allegiance, never mix caffeine with copious amounts of sugar or food additives. Opt for sugar-free tea and coffee, as they also contain other beneficial antioxidants.

If you're looking to get your caffeine fix, do it wisely from healthy sources. That way, you can enjoy the perks of caffeine while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

So, whether you're a coffee lover or a tea enthusiast, you can now enjoy your brew with peace of mind. Embark on this caffeine-filled adventure, but don't forget to relax occasionally. Life's too short to get too jittery over caffeine!

