咖啡之味:世界各地風情萬種 Coffee Beans: A Journey of Unique Flavors from Around the World


🌍 非洲:最神秘的咖啡王國




🌎 美洲:經典中的經典





🌏 亞洲:風味的新境界



這三個地區的咖啡各自獨具特色,無論是非洲的花果香氣、美洲的平衡口感,還是亞洲的草藥調性,每一杯咖啡都是一場獨特的味覺旅程。讓我們一起品味這來自世界各地的咖啡之美。 ☕️



Hey hey! Did you know that coffee beans also have regional differences? Just like wine, the flavor of coffee beans is influenced by factors such as variety, geographical location, and climate, creating distinct taste profiles. Let's embark on a unique coffee world tour!

🌍 Africa: The Mysterious Kingdom of Coffee

The African region's coffee is perhaps the most mysterious, facing various challenges from political unrest to peculiar pests. But did you know? The coffee here is the pioneer of specialty coffee! It boasts thousands of wild coffee varieties, like Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica coffee! Irregular bean sizes? No problem, this actually contributes to its natural floral and fruity acidity and layered complexity.

Then there's Kenya, known for its berry-like acidity. The high phosphoric acid content in the soil brings out its bright acidity, coupled with the efforts of local coffee labs that have bred outstanding varieties like SL28 and SL34. They're truly treasures of the coffee world!

In summary, the flavor characteristics of African coffee: Taste is concentrated on the palate, with more pronounced aroma, relatively short aftertaste, prominent floral and fruity aroma, and lower full-bodiedness.

🌎 Americas: Classics Among Classics

Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica – these names evoke the classic coffee flavors! They are the birthplaces of specialty coffee, and Central and South America contribute over 50% of the world's total coffee production! They are dedicated to the development of coffee varieties and meticulous post-harvest processing.

Colombia is known for its balanced flavor. The relatively better economic conditions here lead to a more scientific approach to coffee processing. Guatemala stands out with its rounded texture and medium full-bodiedness, while Costa Rica captivates with its high overall balance.

Brazil's coffee is even more familiar, with its low acidity, nutty, cocoa, and balanced profile – a classic among classics!

In summary, the flavor characteristics of American coffee: Taste is concentrated in the middle of the palate, aroma is balanced, texture is rounded, medium full-bodiedness, and high overall balance.

🌏 Asia: A New Frontier of Flavor

Compared to Africa and the Americas, Asia's coffee may have slightly less favorable natural conditions, but it possesses a unique flavor. Indonesia's Mandheling is the epitome of Asian coffee, renowned for its unique wet-hulling process. In the humid climate, this method brings out a strong and distinctive flavor, with a bold personality and higher full-bodiedness.

In summary, the flavor characteristics of Asian coffee: Taste is concentrated at the back and sides of the palate, aroma is deeper, full-bodiedness is higher, aftertaste is longer, and herbal spice notes are prominent.

The coffees from these three regions each have their own distinct characteristics. Whether it's the floral and fruity aroma of Africa, the balanced mouthfeel of the Americas, or the herbal notes of Asia, each cup of coffee is a unique journey of taste. Are you ready to start your coffee adventure? Let's embark on a sensory exploration together!

