咖啡的曬乾之道:日曬法與其多樣性 The Art of Coffee Drying: The Diversity of Sun Drying



1. 水資源限制:


2. 氣候條件:


3. 咖啡品種適應性:


4. 風味特點:


5. 文化與傳統:





Coffee, the globally beloved beverage, is known for its flavor and taste, often influenced by the processing methods. Among these methods, wet processing and sun-drying are two common coffee processing techniques. However, in certain regions, farmers opt for sun-drying over wet processing, a decision shaped by a combination of factors, including water resource constraints, climatic conditions, coffee variety adaptability, flavor characteristics, as well as culture and tradition.

1. Water Resource Constraints:

In areas lacking access to sufficient clean water, using a large amount of water for wet processing is impractical. In contrast, sun-drying requires only natural sunlight, eliminating the need for additional water sources. Especially in regions like the Amazon rainforest, where rainwater is abundant but clean water is scarce, sun-drying becomes a more feasible choice.

2. Climatic Conditions:

Sun-drying is more effective in regions with dry, sunny weather. Such climatic conditions facilitate rapid drying of coffee cherries, reducing the risk of mold and decay. For example, in Ethiopia, the homeland of coffee, with its high altitudes and dry climate, sun-drying is the preferred method, preserving the unique flavor of coffee beans.

3. Coffee Variety Adaptability:

Some coffee varieties have pulp and mucilage that easily separate, making them suitable for sun-drying without the need for wet processing. Such varieties are better suited for sun-drying, which aims to preserve flavor, rather than wet processing. Ethiopian farmers, for instance, adhere to the ancient sun-drying method to maintain the most authentic taste and traditional flavor.

4. Flavor Characteristics:

To create distinctive flavor profiles, some regions choose sun-drying. This method retains more of the fruit's flavor, bringing out fruity and floral notes, which may diminish in wet processing. In the diverse world of coffee flavors, this approach provides enthusiasts with more options.

5. Culture and Tradition:

In certain regions, using sun-drying is a tradition passed down through generations. Farmers are familiar with this method and consider it the best way to produce high-quality coffee. For example, in the Amazon rainforest region, sun-drying is widely embraced, becoming part of the local culture and tradition.


Whether it's wet processing or sun-drying, each processing method has its advantages and limitations. Farmers and coffee enthusiasts choose the most suitable processing method based on local environment, resources, coffee varieties, and flavor preferences, producing unique coffee experiences. These diverse choices enrich the world of coffee and reflect the wisdom and culture of each place. While savoring coffee, we also savor the fascinating stories and techniques behind it: the art of sun-drying in the world of coffee diversity.

