咖啡保存的專業秘訣 Coffee Storage Tips


1. 密封包裝 (Seal in Freshness): 選擇具有防潮和防氧化功能的包裝材料,如帶有單向排氣閥的鋁箔袋。這有助於保持咖啡的新鮮度,防止氧氣和潮濕進入包裝。

2. 避免潮濕 (Avoid Moisture): 將咖啡存放在乾燥的地方,遠離水分和潮濕環境。潮濕會對咖啡產生不利影響,導致失去風味。

3. 避免熱能和熱光線 (Keep Away from Heat and Light): 咖啡應該遠離高溫和陽光直射的地方,因為高溫會加速咖啡的氧化過程,降低咖啡的風味和品質。

4. 不要冷藏 (Avoid Refrigeration): 儘管咖啡可以冷凍保存,但這樣做可能會影響咖啡的風味和質量。冷凍過程中可能產生冰晶,破壞咖啡的細膩口感。如果必須冷凍,請將咖啡完全密封,以減少氧氣和潮濕的接觸。

5. 新鮮研磨 (Fresh Grinding): 建議選擇整豆咖啡並在使用前研磨,以確保最佳的風味體驗。這是最佳方式,不過如果不太方便的話,ENCORE COFFEE的濾掛咖啡有放置防潮脫氧劑,也是一個極佳的選擇。



Coffee is an essential part of many people's lives, but to ensure it stays fresh and delicious, there are some key storage techniques to follow. Here, we'll provide you with practical advice to keep your coffee in its best condition during storage. Let's dive in!

1. Seal in Freshness: Choose packaging materials with moisture and oxidation-resistant properties, such as aluminum foil bags with one-way valves. This helps maintain the freshness of your coffee by preventing oxygen and moisture from entering the package.

2. Avoid Moisture: Store your coffee in a dry place, away from moisture and humid environments. Moisture can negatively impact coffee, causing it to lose its flavor.

3. Keep Away from Heat and Light: Coffee should be kept away from high temperatures and direct sunlight, as excessive heat can accelerate the oxidation process, diminishing the coffee's flavor and quality.

4. Avoid Refrigeration: While coffee can be stored in the freezer, doing so can affect its flavor and quality. Freezing can result in the formation of ice crystals, disrupting the coffee's delicate texture. If freezing is necessary, ensure the coffee is fully sealed to minimize exposure to oxygen and moisture.

5. Fresh Grinding: It is recommended to choose whole bean coffee and grind it just before use to ensure the best flavor experience. While this is the ideal method, if convenience is a concern, Encore Coffee's filter coffee comes with moisture-absorbing deoxidizers and is an excellent choice.

These are the essential steps to preserve the freshness and quality of your coffee. By following these storage tips, you can ensure that each cup of coffee maintains its best flavor, enhancing your coffee experience!

