咖啡的小秘密:揭開咖啡豆的「養豆」奧秘 Unveiling the Coffee Bean "Resting" Magic














Coffee, the dark elixir, is the morning ritual that awakens your tired soul and rejuvenates your spirit. But have you ever heard of the mysterious ritual of "resting" coffee beans? Let's explore this intriguing coffee secret together!

The Magic of Bean Resting

"Bean resting" may sound like a fantastical ritual, but it's a crucial part of the coffee roasting process. During roasting, coffee beans release a substantial amount of carbon dioxide and gases, much like little coffee elves frolicking inside the beans.

But why do these coffee elves play around? Well, if freshly roasted coffee beans are brewed immediately, these tiny bubbles can bounce around in your coffee, affecting the interaction between coffee and water, ultimately leading to uneven flavor. To enhance coffee quality, we need to give these little coffee elves some time to degas and let their aromatic essences intermingle.

The Steps of Bean Resting

So, how do we go about bean resting? It's surprisingly simple! Just place the coffee beans in a bag and keep them in a cool, dry environment – think of it as a vacation spot for these little coffee elves. Based on experience, 1-2 weeks after roasting is the optimal time for bean resting.

Of course, the duration of bean resting varies with the roast level. Light-roasted coffee beans are like energetic sprites, requiring only 3-5 days of rest. On the other hand, medium and dark roasts may need a bit more time to unwind, around 5-7 days. If you prefer a more conservative approach, light roasts need 11 days, medium-light 9 days, medium roasts 7 days, and anything darker only requires 5 days. Patience is key to crafting that perfect cup of coffee – allowing these little elves to complete their whimsical journey of degassing.

The Magic of Bean Resting

The process of bean resting in coffee is like witnessing a captivating magic show. When you brew coffee with rested beans, you'll notice that the flavor is more vibrant, and the aroma is enchanting. This is because bean resting effectively controls the carbon dioxide content in coffee, ensuring that every sip is a delightful surprise.

So, dear coffee enthusiasts, the next time you sip on a rich cup of coffee, envision those little coffee elves reveling inside the coffee beans. They bring us cup after cup of delicious coffee and infuse it with the magic we've come to adore.


Now that you've uncovered the coffee secret of "bean resting," let's embark on a journey to explore more surprises and deliciousness in the world of coffee. Let these little coffee elves treat you to a cup of coffee that will leave you utterly enchanted!

