三思而後飲:烘焙咖啡背後令人不安的真相 Think Twice Before You Sip: The Disturbing Truth Behind Roasted Coffee







In today's era, there is a growing emphasis on health, and we appreciate this era for making us more aware that we cannot take things lightly. However, did you know that there is an unknown side to roasted coffee beans?

Many people believe that high temperatures can sterilize the beans. But did you know that there have been cases where cockroaches were ground into coffee powder? Although these incidents have been mentioned before, we tend to forget about them over time. But here's something you may not know: coffee beans are the seeds of coffee fruits, which are sweet and attract insects.

These coffee fruits can have residual saliva, mold, hollowness, or other defects. However, the coffee beans you hold in your hands have undergone post-processing, and the coloring hides any visible issues. You may have heard friends say, "It's fine, high temperatures kill bacteria." But let's think about it: when faced with moldy food, would you choose to discard it or cook and eat it?

Some people sell moldy food disguised as culinary delights at prices even lower than market value, making you think it's a great deal and saving you money. But do you realize that you are slowly pushing yourself into a pit of health risks? Will you feel angry afterwards?

Therefore, we recommend not solely evaluating coffee based on price. Instead, think rationally, try it for yourself, and then make a decision. Safeguard your health before anything else.


  • 石頭或雜質有時候,咖啡豆會夾帶著小石頭、樹枝、葉子或其他外來物質。這些瑕疵可能會在咖啡豆磨成粉後導致機器受損或口感受影響。
  • 未熟的豆未熟的咖啡豆通常比成熟豆顏色較淺,口感較酸,且容易產生草味。
  • 過熟的豆過熟的咖啡豆顏色較深,通常具有苦味和木味。
  • 發霉發霉的咖啡豆可能因潮濕或不當的儲存條件而生長黴菌,帶有發霉、腐敗的氣味和味道,不能飲用
  • 蟲害有時蟲子會侵襲咖啡果實,導致咖啡豆上出現蟲孔或蟲糞即蟲的唾液,這些都是瑕疵,不適合飲用
  • 裂縫咖啡豆表面的裂縫可能表明在處理或烘焙過程中溫度和濕度波動不穩定,這可能會影響口感。
  • 不均匀大小咖啡豆的大小不均匀可能會導致不均匀的烘焙和提取,影響口感的一致性。
  • 發黑咖啡豆可能會因過度烘焙而出現發黑,這會導致苦味和焦糖味。
  • 缺陷這包括任何可能影響咖啡豆完整性的問題,如裂縫、豆腐變形或瑕疵。


