解密手沖咖啡:不做悶蒸的驚人之旅 Unconventional Journey in the World of Pour-Over Coffee: Skipping the Bloom











In the realm of coffee, pour-over brewing has always been regarded as a mystical art, and the bloom phase, or "bloom," is seen as an indispensable step in this art form. However, today, we embark on an unconventional journey, a surprising exploration into the world of pour-over coffee—skipping the bloom.

First Stop: The Enigmatic Realm of Water

Our journey begins with the enigmatic realm of water. Traditional pour-over coffee methods often dictate a fixed water-to-coffee ratio. But now, let's forget those rigid standards. Deeply roasted coffee beans might demand more water, but what about lightly roasted ones? We're free to explore and adjust the water quantity based on different coffee beans and flavor goals, allowing our coffee to become truly unique.

Second Stop: The Time Machine of Brewing

Next, we arrive at the time machine of brewing. The bloom phase's timing is often seen as critical, but now, we abandon the idea of a fixed bloom time. This variable of time is no longer bound by rigid constraints. Instead, we adjust it based on the flavor profile set by the roaster and the characteristics of the coffee beans. We're no longer confined to a few seconds or dozens of seconds; we view time as a flexible tool, making our coffee more versatile.

Third Stop: The Future World Without Blooming

Finally, we explore the future world of brewing without blooming. What astonishing experiences await us if we skip the bloom? Some coffee enthusiasts experiment by introducing a significant amount of water in the latter part of brewing or by directly pouring water near the filter's edge to create an entirely new coffee experience. This means we're no longer limited by the constraints of blooming. We can unleash our creativity throughout the entire brewing process, resulting in more layered and complex coffee flavors.


The world of pour-over coffee is teeming with boundless possibilities. Our surprising journey of skipping the bloom reveals that traditional rules can be broken, and innovation and creativity are paramount. In this coffee universe, let's explore together, unshackled by convention, and savor a cup of coffee filled with delightful surprises. Perhaps, this is the future direction of pour-over coffee—a unique and unconstrained coffee journey, waiting for us to discover.

