長黑 vs. 美式咖啡 Long Black vs. Americano




首先,讓我們著眼於澳洲的咖啡之寶,長黑(Long Black)。這個名字就像是一部懸疑小說的標題,充滿著神秘感。它是咖啡世界的黑馬,可能不像拿鐵或卡布奇諾那麼家喻戶曉,但卻有著堅定的粉絲基礎。

長黑的製作方式相當獨特,它將經典的 Espresso 咖啡倒在熱水之上,這種順序使得咖啡的風味更加濃郁和豐富。這是一種充滿藝術感的咖啡,小巧的杯身裝載著濃郁的滋味,每一口都是一場咖啡的饗宴。



美式咖啡的製作方式也值得一提,它是將水注入 Espresso 中,這樣的過程為咖啡增添了清新和輕盈的口感。這是一種簡單而美味的咖啡,適合在任何時間享用。







If you're a coffee aficionado, you're probably well aware of the diverse world of coffee flavors and styles. Today, we're diving into the realm of two iconic coffee styles: the Australian Long Black and the American Americano. It's a coffee showdown, and these two beverages have unique personalities and stories waiting to be explored!

Long Black: Australia's Hidden Gem

First, let's take a closer look at Australia's coffee gem, the Long Black. The name itself exudes mystery, like the title of a suspenseful novel. It might not be as popular as the Latte or Cappuccino, but it boasts a dedicated fan base.

The Long Black's preparation method is quite unique; it involves pouring a shot of classic Espresso over hot water. This sequence allows for a rich and complex flavor profile. It's an artful coffee, served in a petite cup, carrying a concentration of flavor that enchants with every sip.

Americano: Sunshine in a Cup

Now, let's jet over to the United States and bask in the glory of the Americano. This coffee is like a sunny morning, radiating vitality and freshness. Unlike the enigmatic Long Black, the Americano's name is like cheerful music, leading you into a new day.

The preparation of Americano is notable too, as it involves diluting Espresso with hot water. This process imparts a refreshing and light texture to the coffee. It's a straightforward yet delicious coffee option, suitable for any time of the day.

The Showdown: Long Black vs. Americano

In this coffee showdown, Long Black and Americano showcase their distinct characters. Are you drawn to the richness and allure of the Long Black, or do you prefer the simplicity and freshness of the Americano? Each sip is an adventure, a journey through different flavor profiles.

However, in Taiwan's coffee shops, we're more accustomed to the Americano. But in reality, each coffee shop has its unique way of crafting these two beverages. Some fall in love with the Long Black's unique character, relishing its depth and complexity. Others favor the Americano's simplicity and freshness, creating a light and inviting coffee atmosphere.


Whether you're a Long Black enthusiast or an Americano aficionado, every cup of coffee tells a different story. Coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a culture and a way of life. Let's savor these two distinct coffee styles together, enjoying the surprises and satisfaction that coffee brings. In this coffee showdown, which side are you on?
