探索手沖咖啡的必備器具 Explore the Essential Equipment for Pour-Over Coffee!




1. 濾杯:根據個人喜好選擇合適的濾杯,例如錐形濾杯或梯形濾杯。

2. 濾紙:選用適合濾杯的濾紙,確保良好的萃取效果。

3. 手沖壺:可以選擇細口壺,初學者更容易掌握水量控制。

4. 電子秤:最好選擇具有計時功能的電子秤,方便量取咖啡豆和水的重量。

5. 咖啡豆/粉:選擇中焙的咖啡豆或粉,適合初學者練習,避免過度或不足的萃取。


1. 磨豆機:如果不具備磨豆機,可以請商家幫忙將咖啡豆磨成粉,以確保豆粉的品質和特性。

2. 下壺:可以使用自己喜歡的杯子作為下壺,只需能夠放置濾杯即可。若喜歡儀式感,也可以購買各種下壺。


Here is a list of equipment needed for pour-over coffee:

Primary Equipment:

1. Brewing Cone: Choose a brewing cone that suits your personal preference, such as a conical or a V-shaped dripper.

2. Filter Papers: Select filter papers that fit your brewing cone to ensure optimal extraction.

3. Pouring Kettle: Consider a kettle with a narrow spout, as it allows for better control of water flow, especially for beginners.

4. Digital Scale: It is recommended to choose a digital scale with a built-in timer for precise measurements of coffee beans and water.

5. Coffee Beans/Ground Coffee: Opt for medium-roasted coffee beans or pre-ground coffee, which are suitable for beginners to practice with and avoid over- or under-extraction.

Secondary Equipment:

1. Coffee Grinder: If you don't have a coffee grinder, you can ask your local coffee shop to grind the beans for you to ensure quality and freshness.

2. Serving Vessel: You can use any preferred cup or vessel as your serving vessel, as long as it can accommodate the brewing cone. If you enjoy the ritualistic experience, you can explore various dedicated serving vessels.

This is a comprehensive list of equipment needed for pour-over coffee. Choose and purchase according to your personal preferences and requirements. Wishing you delightful moments brewing delicious pour-over coffee!

