咖啡名稱的解讀和複雜命名的原因 Deciphering Coffee Names and Understanding the Complexity of Their Naming"




1. 國家:咖啡豆的產地,例如台灣。

2. 地區:產地內的具體區域,可以將其類比為城市區域,例如台北的信義區。

3. 前置作業方式:指的是咖啡豆在採收後的處理方式。火炒(日曬)、水煮(水洗)和舒肥(蜜處理)是常見的處理方式。這些方式會影響咖啡的風味和口感。

4. 後製作業方式:指的是咖啡豆烘焙的程度,影響到咖啡的口感和香氣。以甜味為例,淺焙(白糖)、中焙(黑糖)和深焙(焦糖)代表不同程度的烘焙。淺焙咖啡味道清爽,黑糖咖啡帶有些許深沉的甜味,而焦糖咖啡則帶有一點苦味的甜味。深焙的咖啡通常香氣更強烈。



  • 提升知名度:透過特定地區命名的單一產地咖啡,小農和生產者得以在全球市場上建立品牌和知名度。這有助於他們的產品更容易被認可和接受。
  • 經濟機會:這種包裝方式為小農提供了更好的經濟機會。他們能夠參與高價值的特定地區咖啡市場,從而提高他們的收入和生活水平。
  • 可持續農業:為了保護和提高特定地區咖啡的質量,小農通常會實施更可持續的農業方法,包括有機種植和環保做法。這有助於減少對土地的環境衝擊。
  • 文化保護:單一產地包裝也有助於保護特定地區的咖啡種植和製作傳統,從而保護當地文化和咖啡產業的多樣性。



Sure! Here's the English version:

Have you noticed that beginner coffee enthusiasts often feel a bit lost when it comes to understanding coffee? They seem to grasp the concept but not entirely.

Let's break it down! For example:

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Natural Light Roast

1. Country

2. Region

3. Processing method

4. Roasting level

Let's put it in simpler terms:

1. Country: Taiwan

2. Region: Think of it as a district, like Xinyi District in Taipei, Xitun District in Taichung, Dong District in Tainan, and Zuoying District in Kaohsiung.

3. Processing method: It's essentially how the coffee is presented. You have options like roasted over fire (natural process), boiled in water (washed process), or fermented (honey process).

4. Roasting level: It determines whether you want a light and refreshing taste or a deep and intense flavor (ranging from light to dark roast). Let's take sweetness as an example: light roast is like white sugar, medium roast is like brown sugar, and dark roast is like caramel. Light roast is refreshing, brown sugar adds a bit of depth to the sweetness, and caramel has a slightly bitter-sweet taste. In terms of aroma, dark roast tends to be more intense.

I hope this helps you understand coffee descriptions more easily! 

Certainly, naming coffee with a single origin designation is not just a way to trace its source, but it's also a powerful tool for supporting and propelling small farmers onto the international stage.

Boosting Visibility: By naming coffee after a specific region, small farmers and producers can establish brands and visibility in the global market. This helps their products gain recognition and acceptance.

Economic Opportunities: This packaging approach offers small farmers better economic opportunities. They can participate in high-value specialty coffee markets from specific regions, thereby increasing their income and living standards.

Sustainable Agriculture: To protect and enhance the quality of coffee from a specific region, small farmers often implement more sustainable agricultural practices, including organic cultivation and environmentally friendly methods. This helps reduce environmental impacts on the land.

Cultural Preservation: Single-origin packaging also contributes to the preservation of traditional coffee cultivation and production practices in specific regions, safeguarding local culture and the diversity of the coffee industry.

In summary, this packaging approach is a means of supporting small farmers and local communities while allowing consumers to enjoy unique coffee flavors and learn the stories behind the coffee. It's a win-win approach that helps improve the fairness and sustainability of the global coffee supply chain.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

